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GreatWhiteRapper t1_j2rzr89 wrote

I could and should do that but...we've already complained to our landlords about a dog before lol. Before this girl moved into the unit below us, there was a girl who lived there who also had a dog and would leave the dog alone from 6:30pm until 8:00am the next morning (she was a night nurse) and that dog would also scream, wail, bark, howl, and cry, for every single second its owner was gone. It was an incredibly anxious dog with mental problems that really needed a yard and some kids, not hours cooped up in an apartment. She eventually did something to the dog to get it to stop when she went to work, but it took at least 3 months.

So I'm worried about annoying our landlords and....I don't know, trying to push us out if we become a nuisance. I'll go the neighborly route and do face-to-face first and hope that sorts it out.


typeytypetype t1_j2s08fe wrote

Hope the conversation does the trick, but if not I wouldn't worry about annoying your landlord unless they're some kind of mega-asshole. You staying and paying the rent should be way more important to them than fielding a couple complaints.