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familyofgeniuses t1_j2s5uoa wrote

The thought of a Gym election makes me want to move lol. I can't take another 4 years of a mayor who cares more about progressive platitudes than running a functioning city.

I'm a progressive too but I wish people understood it doesn't make sense to have city policies so far to the left of federal/state policies. If federal homelessness and drug policies suck, "progressive" local policy on those matters are just gonna result in.... well, anyone can ride on the el or walk around and see for themselves.

Same for taxes. Anyone who thinks income inequality can be addressed by a local tax, when rich people/companies can just move 5 miles away to save the money, is an absolute moron.


Marko_Ramius1 t1_j2smvgq wrote

I would also add that after 8 years of having a mayor who did exactly that (didn't run the city but just mouthed off platitudes) Nutter would be a welcome remedy. Her husband being a major lawyer at Amerisource is also a little sketchy IMO, especially after the news last week they're being sued by the DOJ over the opioid crisis, which is a major issue in Philly (to put it lightly).

Edit: and to your point about taxes, where did Gym's husbands company recently build their state of the art HQ: Conshohocken because they don't wanna be in the city due to its idiotic tax policy


Snakealicious t1_j2s6yk9 wrote

I'm in the same boat. Her founding a charter school and then making it far harder for charter schools to operate in Philly kind of rubs me the wrong way as well. "Rules for thee, not for me."