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helium_hydrogen t1_j2s6ho6 wrote

Cuddling is the optimal position to go for the throat.

First day back, hoping not to be hit by the post-break blues.

I spent a good hour and a half yesterday journaling out my retrospective on last year and outlining goals for this year. That said, I'm determined to take January as a rest month. Not going anywhere or working on projects, just going to do the bare minimum.

The one thing I'm considering breaking my "not going anywhere" rule for is potentially the tattoo convention later this month. Has anyone been there? I'm looking to get my first tattoo done, just a pawprint of my last cat, but I'm not sure how it works, if I can just walk in and find an artist who will do it or what the price ranges are.

Another query for y'all, do we have a decent Indian buffet in the city? The fiancé and I want to eat our weight in butter chicken and naan, and that kind of gluttony is best suited for a buffet.


GreatWhiteRapper t1_j2s7ga6 wrote

I've been going to the tattoo convention for years at this point. It's one of the largest of all the Villain Arts conventions and their longest running. It attracts a lot of solid artists.

You pay a ticket price to get in (either one day or a 3-day pass). Don't bring a big bag, large food items, or water bottles. The security team there are huge assholes and will make you toss anything. Small snacks, like granola bars, can get through.

Eat before your tattoo! Eat before your tattoo!!!

It gets stupid hot, loud, and crowded in the convention center. I bring shorts to wear inside. You don't want to overheat.

There will be rows and rows of artists. A lot will have openings. Just walk the aisles and find someone who's style you like. They will tell you the price upfront. It varies between artist how much a piece will cost, so take all the time you need. Some can take you immediately, others might have a few people ahead. Friday/Saturday are the best days, by Sunday most artists will be booked.

Feel free to ask if you got any more questions.


helium_hydrogen t1_j37jg29 wrote

Responding to a Tuesday comment on Friday, heyoo.

Have you been to the Wildwood one, out of curiosity? Between a friend not being available that weekend for the Philly date, and also being extra careful with my finances in the next few months, I'm thinking I might go to the Wildwood convention in August instead. I would assume same advice applies?


GreatWhiteRapper t1_j37k02i wrote

Yeah, once. My SO got something but I couldn't find any designs I liked or any artists that really jumped out at me.

It's sort of the same: security is more lax (idk what it is about the Philly convention but they have the meanest security of any tat convention I've been to). Way less artists. The WW convention center is basically a high school gym. But it's much less intimidating so it might be easier to navigate if it's your first time.


SweetJibbaJams t1_j2sdh4i wrote

I love New Delhi at 40th and Walnut. Haven't been to their buffet in a minute though, but their food is my favorite takeout.


ageofadzz t1_j2shgyk wrote

I miss samosa vegetarian in washington sq west.


typeytypetype t1_j2sy4fb wrote

Second this - I regularly fill takeout containers from the buffet for work lunch.


electric_ranger t1_j2s9c4g wrote

RIP Sher-e-Punjab in Drexel Hill. Pandemic killed them off.


courageous_liquid t1_j2sbizn wrote

It's still going strong in Media - they actually expanded and throw shows there now too.

Owner is a nice guy.


nnp1989 t1_j2sm8wr wrote

I keep getting targeted ads on Instagram for their Grateful Dead nights. Need to get out there sometime.


courageous_liquid t1_j2smikg wrote

My cousin plays in a (reasonably good) beatles cover band and I went out there to support him.

The place was literally packed.


swampgay t1_j2tez85 wrote

Haven't been to the convention before but I finally pulled the trigger on getting my first tattoo two weeks ago (after 7.5 years of chickening out) and was really glad I did! I hope you also have a great experience if you do.