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Accounting_Idiot t1_j66bxjd wrote

Reply to comment by _token_black in Chance of riots tonight? by [deleted]

All cops are cops first. All cops exist to protect white supremacy in the United States.


31November t1_j66c7zb wrote

IMO, Cops protect the rich, not just the white rich.

There's significant overlap, but the goal is to protect the wealthy, not just the white wealthy.


_token_black t1_j66hxpu wrote

That was my point but the damn edgelords downvoting me from Lansdale & Springfield (or even from Northern Liberties or some college dorm) only want to burn the system, period. Nothing short of anarchy.

Guess who gets blamed when that shit happens? Won't be them...


TechSquidTV t1_j66cr86 wrote

>All cops are cops first. All cops exist to protect white supremacy in the United States.

All cops are cops first. All cops exist to protect white supremacy the rich in the United States.


Fixed that for you.


_token_black t1_j66enju wrote

That's a damn lie. If a cop knows you have $$ (and we're talking old $$ not just in a nice car) you are teflon.

Poor white people get fucked up by the judicial system too, just like poor Chinese, poor Hispanic, etc. If you're poor and suspected of a crime, you're fucked. If you're rich and (somehow) suspected of a crime, you can buy your freedom.


HotPoptartFleshlight t1_j66ep4e wrote

What a nuanced multifactor analysis.

The unironic "5 black cops beating a black man is to uphold white supremacy" take as if you're living in a satire.


Electrical_List_2125 t1_j66fjjk wrote

I don’t think it’s that weird. There were Black slave drivers. There have always been all kinds of people that sell out their own people. See: women who specifically target and tear other women down in the workplace, etc. That’s much less serious but it’s the same principle


31November t1_j66ghb5 wrote

I get what you're trying to go for, and if you want to abstract this to the point of "police culture is furthering white supremacy" then I think you are coincidentally right to a degree, but I would still argue that the main point or the main toxin to police culture (that these five black officers upheld) is to protect the rich.

White people tend to be the rich, but the focus is on wealth, not race.


Electrical_List_2125 t1_j66hu2i wrote

I don’t like seeing people limit it to a class thing because it feels like they’re erasing the race piece of it when the race piece is foundational too. I see it as based in both, money and race.

Edit: I think I’m trying to say- race stuff feels so tied up with class anyway. In the US Black people are a permanent underclass. The country assigned people to be slaves and then to be under resourced after that (through policy decisions like blocking Black ppl from home ownership, blocking ppl from good jobs, etc.) Race is the way they assigned people’s class so it feels weird to just take that out of it when it matters- I don’t want to erase who is doing the worst with the police and why the way “it’s just about class” feels like it’s erasing it, does that make sense?


31November t1_j66kl68 wrote

Thank you for explaining your POV, and I think I understand what you're trying to say.

I agree that there is so much overlap that it does feel like effectively a race-war - I mean, you live here in Philly, look at the demographics of Kensington v. Society Hill - so I guess trying to draw the two (race versus class) out too much can be counter-productive, even if I personally would weigh one over the other.


Electrical_List_2125 t1_j66l7zw wrote

Yeah! I think you’re dead on. The overdrawing one or the other is the issue. I have noticed what you’re talking about with demographics in Philly and it has made me kinda moderate my past viewpoint that race was everything in terms of who gets what - in Philly it’s clear that that’s not true. Thanks for your thoughts


Psychogistt t1_j66iz9i wrote

Biden is already painting it as a racial issue
