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njpchamp t1_j66drd4 wrote

Protestors started at city hall and headed into rittenhouse sq according to 1060AM. It was 50ish people from a political action group, I don’t see that turning into a riot. The Eagles are playing at home this weekend, I really don’t see anything happening but who knows.


njpchamp t1_j66in5c wrote

Just drove thru CC on my way home. People out, nothing happening.


SouthPhilly_215 t1_j66jsul wrote

The Eagles should protest… The whole damn league should protest. Jesus Christ! That footage is sickening.


_token_black t1_j66ec8c wrote

I'd say 1/2 of that is probably the group of people who are a part of every protest group, that are just there to also get their cause some exposure.


TrentonMakes t1_j66f6op wrote

It is, curiosity got the best of me during my walk home from the office. It’s the same people from the Democrat Socialists of America group that organizes protests around the area. I doubt riots will break out considering the 5 cops already got fired and charged with some degree of murder.


_token_black t1_j66fs6z wrote

And the damn unit was already disbanded. Hopefully the 5 of them get the book thrown at them.

It's also fucking cold & dreary out, and good luck getting anybody to go out of their way to riot in freezing temps. The only person who acts like people go out of their way to do something shitty in the cold is Jussie Smollett.


TrentonMakes t1_j66gnfd wrote

I’m all for protests and it’s good that it’s an organized effort but nothing justifies a riot. I own a couple grocery stores and they were looted during the last riots, like I had anything to do with Minneapolis and Walter Wallace. If this was a hot summer month I’m sure it would get out of control.


Electrical_List_2125 t1_j66nh4w wrote

I wonder. I would never want to live through the scariness of 2020 again. I would never want to fear my house or business could be destroyed. But when I saw Derek Chauvin convicted, even now when I saw Tyre’s killers convicted, I wondered if they did what they were supposed to out of fear of nationwide riots coming back. It feels like that’s the language the powerful understand. So then it’s like, how mad can you get at people for forcing the issue that way


TamaraTime t1_j66y6qg wrote

Memphis 5 haven’t been convicted, and there’s still a chance for Chauvin on appeal. There’s also been no real substantial progress reaped from the 2020 pushback. Irl there’s been even more cash thrown at policing in a misguided effort to better “training”. This is the shit they’re trained to do: you as blue are first and foremost, everything else is secondary.

And though I feel a bit for your personal experience 2020 summer wasn’t scary to most. It was a handful of OOP situations e.g. 6/2 in CC, Aramingo, 52nd, and a bit of West in October. They did what they were supposed to down Memphis because it’s what they’re supposed to do. Their hand was forced bc of the severity of the crimes, not bc the threat of isolated property damage


_token_black t1_j66h75q wrote

True, and while I understand why riots happen (Detroit riots, LA in the 90s), the narrative of "insurance will cover it" or "oh big corporation, they'll be fine" is the worst justification and flies in the face of what MLK said about riots.

It's hard to find, but there are still areas of Minneapolis that either haven't rebuilt or are just shells of their former selves now 2 1/2 years later. I remember reading about most independent owners struggling to get permits just to raze the plot of land and having to go through bureaucracy either with the city or insurance companies to just start over.


ItsjustJim621 t1_j66qx8e wrote

From what I understand, there’s several charges they’re all facing.

One is aggravated kidnapping. There’s also aggravated felony assault. And the major one…second degree felony murder, which is pretty much the highest murder charge one can get before we get into the pre-meditated definition.

NAL but…having being married to one before, intent can be formed in an instant. I wouldn’t be surprised if prosecutors would argue that too


_token_black t1_j676mqv wrote

Yeah, seeing all those charges makes me hopeful. Still that tinge of doubt, but hopeful of justice.


JBizznass t1_j66eehs wrote

Ya know…. The eagles might just be what saves the city from burning for a 3rd time in as many years.


HotPoptartFleshlight t1_j66evct wrote

50 people who are just addicted to protesting something since any realistic demands have been addressed for almost a week now.


PM_me_ab_ur_landlord t1_j66uahd wrote

Realistic demands like meaningful public oversight of police departments?


HotPoptartFleshlight t1_j6720r1 wrote

To accomplish what beyond arresting every involved officer?


PM_me_ab_ur_landlord t1_j67mkan wrote

Figuring out why the fuck this happened at all, destroying the culture of police impunity, and an acknowledgement that this is a widespread issue should be a start.


PM_me_ab_ur_landlord t1_j67o9t4 wrote

Also, figure out what the fuck this statement was based off and fire the entire chain of command that wrote and approved it.

Police cover for each other, it’s literally their culture. So no, arresting the cops who did this is not enough, police flat out cannot be trusted to be honest with the public and this is a vivid example of that.