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Raecino t1_j66jply wrote

Reply to comment by sparklydude in Chance of riots tonight? by [deleted]

Probably because the cops were black


Hoyarugby t1_j66mdq3 wrote

Unfortunately probably true

Videos from this are bad but nowhere near as bad as the Daniel Shaver video, and they let the cops who killed Shaver retire on disability. I've seen videos of ISIS executions and those were only somewhat worse than the Shaver video


Raecino t1_j66n3p1 wrote

There’s countless videos of people being killed by the police and immediately many come to their defense saying things like “well what happened before the cameras started recording?” immediately casting doubt on the victims and giving the police the benefit of the doubt. As you all can clearly see, these officers were immediately fired and charged, as they should be! But that should be the way these cases are handled across the board, not just against black officers.


jf1702 t1_j66utef wrote

That one still haunts me because it was truly a “this can happen to anyone” set of circumstances.

And yet, you say his name to 100 people, how many will recognize him? 1 or 2? Got no widespread media coverage.