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Electrical_List_2125 t1_j66nh4w wrote

Reply to comment by TrentonMakes in Chance of riots tonight? by [deleted]

I wonder. I would never want to live through the scariness of 2020 again. I would never want to fear my house or business could be destroyed. But when I saw Derek Chauvin convicted, even now when I saw Tyre’s killers convicted, I wondered if they did what they were supposed to out of fear of nationwide riots coming back. It feels like that’s the language the powerful understand. So then it’s like, how mad can you get at people for forcing the issue that way


TamaraTime t1_j66y6qg wrote

Memphis 5 haven’t been convicted, and there’s still a chance for Chauvin on appeal. There’s also been no real substantial progress reaped from the 2020 pushback. Irl there’s been even more cash thrown at policing in a misguided effort to better “training”. This is the shit they’re trained to do: you as blue are first and foremost, everything else is secondary.

And though I feel a bit for your personal experience 2020 summer wasn’t scary to most. It was a handful of OOP situations e.g. 6/2 in CC, Aramingo, 52nd, and a bit of West in October. They did what they were supposed to down Memphis because it’s what they’re supposed to do. Their hand was forced bc of the severity of the crimes, not bc the threat of isolated property damage