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PM_me_ab_ur_landlord t1_j66uahd wrote

Realistic demands like meaningful public oversight of police departments?


HotPoptartFleshlight t1_j6720r1 wrote

To accomplish what beyond arresting every involved officer?


PM_me_ab_ur_landlord t1_j67mkan wrote

Figuring out why the fuck this happened at all, destroying the culture of police impunity, and an acknowledgement that this is a widespread issue should be a start.


PM_me_ab_ur_landlord t1_j67o9t4 wrote

Also, figure out what the fuck this statement was based off and fire the entire chain of command that wrote and approved it.

Police cover for each other, it’s literally their culture. So no, arresting the cops who did this is not enough, police flat out cannot be trusted to be honest with the public and this is a vivid example of that.