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Cobey1 t1_j6nubl3 wrote

This is such a lousy attack. She went to meet with global contractors, not the board of the Union league. How else does a Mayoral candidate get to meet 30+ business owners in one night? Sucks that the venue was the Union league but she’s trying to run an entire city here. Meeting 30+ businesses and going office to office isn’t efficient, especially when there’s an even that is hosting all of them in one night


ConfiaEnElProceso t1_j6nv5jd wrote

I like (liked?) Gym as a progressive. But, c'mon. Even she took the L here and admitted that she screwed up. You don't critique one specific part of the old boy network and then show up at one of its events barely a week later. She done messed up.


Cobey1 t1_j6nx7cw wrote

Totally. I’m not disagreeing with that, Idek how her or her team didn’t see a red flag in going. There’s people from all campaigns and journalists just waiting to knock candidates out of this race. This kind of slip wasn’t helpful


ConfiaEnElProceso t1_j6nydfp wrote

Honestly, city governance is a mess right now. Being a (recent) member of city council is a strike against you in my book and that of many city residents right now. They are a HUGE part of the problem.

This slip up screams that she is playing the same old games of Philly politics. Glad handing the good ole boys for some cash at that racist shit hole is predictable but disappointing. It is a second strike in my book. I was equally or more upset about Rhynhart promoting crooked John Street's endorsement for similar reasons.


KFCConspiracy t1_j6olenx wrote

I just suspect she didn't think anyone would notice and she'd be able to keep up her act of just talking big.


Marko_Ramius1 t1_j6nvrd2 wrote

If you're running for office and denounce an organization one day, then show up to an event at said organization the next, you're one of two things: a hypocrite or a moron. Not a lot of wiggle room there


TreeMac12 t1_j6o5mcj wrote

>She went to meet with global contractors

She should have Tweeted that instead of bowing and apologizing to Ernest Owens.


Cobey1 t1_j6o6zkn wrote

Facts. Personally, I would have owned this. Take it to the chin, be very transparent about going to meet contractors who rented the space out, not the Union league board members. Talk about how I’m trying to connect with the trades to ‘build’ a better Philadelphia, etc. I wouldn’t have apologized for meeting some of the largest contractor groups in the city/east coast. Elected officials need to coordinate and work with these groups of people. 110% Every candidate running for office in Philly would’ve been there if it was any other venue in the city. She’s ballsy if you ask me lol


TreeMac12 t1_j6o7ghz wrote

Maybe say, "I agreed to this meeting before the DeSantis announcement, and I stopped in only briefly to fulfil my obligation. The contractor's association is not directly involved with the inner workings of the club."


PhillyPanda t1_j6oho5l wrote

That seems unlikely given how long ago the DeSantis award was planned. The award was originally planned to be given to him in early October and people were denouncing it back in September.


TreeMac12 t1_j6osw0f wrote

>That seems unlikely given how long ago the DeSantis award was planned.

This is an annual event. The contractors have been planning this for a year.


PhillyPanda t1_j6ovqou wrote

Yeah but it’s a question of when she registered. Their events only go a few months out on the website


medicated_in_PHL t1_j6nwzsw wrote

It’s not at all. If you are taking a stand against something/someone you think is immoral or corrupt, you make personal sacrifices.

Your argument is like voting to go on strike, crossing the picket line to go to work and the saying “How else am I supposed to make money?”

That’s part of taking a stand. In fact it’s like, the ONLY part of taking a stand.


Cobey1 t1_j6nxpt4 wrote

I disagree with your picket line example. I don’t see this as crossing the picket line. She met with global contractors that rented the space out for the evening. She didn’t rent the event out for a campaign fundraiser.


medicated_in_PHL t1_j6ny8q8 wrote

After the past decade, I don’t listen to anything politicians say, I watch their actions. She supported the Union League through her actions, so her words denouncing them are meaningless.


ParallelPeterParker t1_j6o428i wrote

In a world where the mere appearance of impropriety matters, appearing at the union league a week after denouncing them seems like a bit of a self-own.