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medicated_in_PHL t1_j6nwzsw wrote

It’s not at all. If you are taking a stand against something/someone you think is immoral or corrupt, you make personal sacrifices.

Your argument is like voting to go on strike, crossing the picket line to go to work and the saying “How else am I supposed to make money?”

That’s part of taking a stand. In fact it’s like, the ONLY part of taking a stand.


Cobey1 t1_j6nxpt4 wrote

I disagree with your picket line example. I don’t see this as crossing the picket line. She met with global contractors that rented the space out for the evening. She didn’t rent the event out for a campaign fundraiser.


medicated_in_PHL t1_j6ny8q8 wrote

After the past decade, I don’t listen to anything politicians say, I watch their actions. She supported the Union League through her actions, so her words denouncing them are meaningless.