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bukkakedebeppo t1_j6od8ou wrote

She was dead silent on Washington Ave. I called and left messages for her, asked her over Twitter to make a statement, heard absolutely nothing back. She didn't legislate and she didn't use her at-large status to take a stand against councilmanic prerogative. And now she's proving that she's a complete hypocrite.


lordredsnake t1_j6oe0yi wrote

She also made a meaningless statement in support of the "Save the Meadows" campaign at FDR Park, but took no actions to actually push PPR to modify their plan. She did the bare minimum to get people to publicly thank her and profess their support for her.

With so many former councilpeople running, the Inquirer should have a field day with comparing statements to actions while in office, but I don't have a lot of faith this is going to actually happen. Washington Ave. is a prime example. How many candidates are going to proclaim their support for Vision Zero and improved road safety, despite having done nothing to push back on other councilpeople who were watering down safety measures?


bukkakedebeppo t1_j6oe8li wrote

I don't even support "Save the Meadows" and still think she's a jerk!


lordredsnake t1_j6oejd4 wrote

You don't have to--it's just another data point on the chart of performative politics.


KFCConspiracy t1_j6okoi8 wrote

> She also made a meaningless statement in support of the "Save the Meadows" campaign at FDR Park,

The thing is, environmentally, "Save the meadows" is NOT a good thing, that land is not naturally a meadow. So even in her performative action, she was wrong.


ConfiaEnElProceso t1_j6ommqe wrote

I wouldn't believe a word ANY of them say about vision zero. Kenney has cloaked himself in that banner and done jack shit about it. It's an easy sound bite and then you just Blake city council when push comes to shove. They'll all claim to be for it. It's easy money for them.