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Little_Noodles t1_j6ovj0k wrote

And again, if you’re not going to shit but bitch about the people that are pulling their weight, and how it doesn’t matter that you’re not doing shit because too many other people also don’t do shit, then your opinion holds about as much weight with me as the vote you’re not casting weighs in the outcome of the election.

The people you’re complaining about are going to pick your next mayor, just like they always have, and they’re going to do it because you and people like you are too salty to just make an effort. You think they give a shit that you’re sitting this out? They do not.

I frequently don’t like my choices come the general. But sometimes I do. Sometimes they’re even the person I helped collect signatures for, or donated to, or voted for in the primary.


apathetic_panda t1_j6oxu25 wrote

You really like to repeat yourself don't you.

Wow, is that a salad 🥗.

The people pulling weight in the primary aren't the electorate, genius.

But yes, look at a 12% turnout and say yeah, the people rejecting the process due to the persistent corruption of the nominating bodies and the long-standing policy in place specifically to supress voting generally- they're the problem

Do you really think I'm trying to change your mind?

A stranger on the internet 🤣😂🤢🤮
