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a-german-muffin t1_j5qpr0j wrote

Hate to say it, but in a Democratic primary where there isn't a huge gap in terms of policy, endorsements and day-to-day politicking are going to have outsize effects — hell, look at Amen Brown's asking for a do-over; dude drove his campaign into the guardrail right off the start line.

Also, the notion that Street's endorsement is somehow showing Rhynhart the ropes manages to ignore her tenure as controller, which is just... weird. Endorsements are part of the process, and arguably a more important part in a wildly crowded field.


ConfiaEnElProceso OP t1_j5qr929 wrote

Amen Brown was a clown, not a real candidate.

I'm not disagreeing about the possible impact of the endorsement. You seem to think I'm denying that. I don't know why. Politically this helps her. Period.

Maybe this just blowing smoke up Street's ass and it means nothing, but it gives me pause.

“He is providing expert advice from his experience on a daily basis to my campaign,” Rhynhart said. “Mayor Street is a huge asset to my campaign with the endorsement and then also, his time, energy, knowledge and constructive criticism.”

“I am going to be in meetings. I’ll go to the wards,” Street said. “I will be helping with public policy. I am going to do whatever I can.”


a-german-muffin t1_j5r0bfe wrote

I think you’re vastly underestimating the value of the endorsement of a prominent Black leader for a white woman, especially in predominantly Black districts that could swing tens of thousands of votes.

If Street talking about the nuts-and-bolts of campaigning and working the North Philly wards in favor of Rhynhart (and Rhynhart using pretty basic campaign language to cement the value of his endorsement) gives you pause, then you may be reading way too much into it. Or you’re edging into purity test territory (and then I have some real bad news for you).


ConfiaEnElProceso OP t1_j5r13f5 wrote

Jesus Christ, how many times can i say that i think this endorsement helps her politically before you understand that i agree with you???

We clearly disagree about the hypocrisy of running an anticorruption campaign while taking on a corrupt former mayor as an advisor. Fair enough.
