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Ng3me t1_j5t7ezy wrote

That’s Just how you accept an endorsement from a former mayor. You let him volunteer. That’s all. You’re all overthinking this.


oliver_babish t1_j5t9a6r wrote

That's some nifty Wall Street accounting trick to let you simultaneously claim "he’s not on her campaign team" but "he is providing expert advice from his experience on a daily basis to my campaign."

I don't know why a Rhynhart supporter would want to minimize Mayor Street's role if they're proud of having his endorsement.


Ng3me t1_j5tnqrg wrote

Well I guess John Street will be the shadow mayor and Rhynhart will restart whatever crooked airport deal got him in trouble 20 years ago. You’ve all figured it out.

I’m not some super Rhynhart fan. I don’t think she’s really come out with many actual policies other than vague talk of efficiency. Like what does she think we should do on safety, parks, libraries, land use, transit, etc. but people are going Q anon level goofy on Street endorsing her. It’s a fucking endorsement from a former mayor saying “she’s qualified for the job. A job that 6 living people have ever done. And I’ll use my network to help her and give any advice she asks for.” Y’all are nutty.


ConfiaEnElProceso OP t1_j5uerax wrote

That's exactly the point. I couldn't tell you a single specific policy that she is pushing. The ONLY thing i hear is good governance and her record of calling out corruption. That is the entirety of her campaign thus far.

This undercuts that. If you don't think it's hypocritical to campaign on good governance and then make a show of receiving the endorsement and advice of a corrupt former mayor, that's your choice.