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JuniperGhosts t1_j5wvhec wrote

As someone who regularly works there…South Philly. I have to always arrive 20 min early just so I can find a parking spot and arrive on time.

Why people are so obsessed with a location that’s overcrowded, has no parking and is overly prideful about houses and neighborhoods that are almost identical is mystifying to me…


throwawaythedo t1_j5xy29l wrote

Well, we keep you employed so be grateful for that :)

I’m equally mystified by folks who are obsessed with the boring suburbs. I mean, they have parking, but literally nothing else. And who are these overly prideful people? I lived S Philly my whole life (with the exception of a 3 year attempt in the burbs) and I’ve never heard anyone talk more pridefully about their house or neighborhood, like they do in the burbs. Keepin up with the Jones’ is a suburban saying, after all.


Raecino t1_j6axq6m wrote

I wish a lot of gentrifiers would move back to the suburbs personally


pianoprofiteer t1_j5yejak wrote

Cleanliness, peace of mind not living with a constant state of noise and chaos around you, school systems that aren’t a complete dumpster fire, way less violent crime, just to name a few.

If you can’t see why people would prefer living in suburbs then idk what to tell you. And it’s really the people that live in cities that are “obsessed with where they live” in my experience. Probably because they’re trying to justify it to themselves.


throwawaythedo t1_j5ze32j wrote

You’re literally on a sub for a city you don’t live in, telling us we’re obsessed with the city we live in, while you rely on the city for income.

Maybe instead of being obsessed, we’re simply responding to your obsession with not understanding city folk and insulting us for liking where we live. You love the burbs? Stay there, work there and leave the city you don’t understand to those of us who do.


pianoprofiteer t1_j5zkecd wrote

Already happily doing all of that after living in Philly for a number of years sans relying on the city for income, thanks for the comedy though. Was just offering an alternative perspective to the echochamber hivemind y'all have going on in here. Maybe you wouldn't be so angry if you didn't live in philly..


throwawaythedo t1_j60ydpo wrote

Why are YOU on a sub for a city you don’t live in, insulting us as hive-minds, and obsessed people trying to convince us that we need an alternative view, while accusing us of being angry. You literally started this.


pianoprofiteer t1_j6145ki wrote

You seem to be incapable of comprehending why someone that previously lived within a city and still lives within a stone’s throw of it would be on a city’s subreddit, so I won’t bother. Cheers.


throwawaythedo t1_j62v5jh wrote

No no no, You’re not going to FTW it’s this to make it seem like this sub is unwelcoming. It makes complete sense that anyone with a connection to Philly would come to this sub. Philadelphia is an amazing city! With amazing people and amazing culture. What is annoying is when outsiders come in to complain about an angry hive-mind obsession (insulting us/rallying troops) when it’s not your hive to mind. You’re welcome in my home, just don’t come and trash it.


throwawaythedo t1_j60y8lt wrote

Why are YOU on a sub for a city you don’t live in, insulting us as hive-minds, and obsessed people trying to convince us that we need an alternative view, while accusing us of being angry. You literally started this.


I_DESTROY_HUMMUS t1_j5zgnc7 wrote

Walkability, bomb food, cool mix of cultures. I can hear three different languages being spoken in a one block walk. I find the rowhomes have a ton of character, and I love seeing people get creative decorating them for the holidays.


Raecino t1_j6axnf8 wrote

That’s not fair to people who were born and raised in those neighborhoods, of course they should be proud. Can you blame them for being annoyed when scores of new people move into their neighborhoods and cause traffic and parking to get worse?