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beeps-n-boops OP t1_j3akd18 wrote

That entire intersection is a fucking menace...

Between people crossing without any regard for the traffic lights, all the shitbag double-parkers in front of that massively overrated dump of a cheesesteak place, and people driving way too fucking fast on Henry, it's a wonder people aren't killed there every day.


Roumain t1_j3atday wrote

Also, not for nothing, but Chubbies is better.


beeps-n-boops OP t1_j3bwdad wrote

They are... but they're not great in their own right. Just better than the over-minced garbage across the street.


ReturnedFromExile t1_j3alrkc wrote

it truly is a wonder. absolute chaos. ya know if people actually just slowed the hell down, recognizing and adjusting for the chaos it wouldn’t be nearly as bad but I don’t know 20% of the cars just buzz right through there like there’s nothing going on.

So much going on and going wrong there


Vexithan t1_j3f7x57 wrote

I used to live up the street from here and before that commuted through it twice a day. Holy shit it’s like Mad Max all through there.


Bosssauced t1_j3hx7xk wrote

I agree with how bad the intersection but disagree with the dump of a cheesesteak place comment


ColdJay64 t1_j3aquvu wrote

Tragic af - but this doesn’t say that speed was a factor, she didn’t cross at an intersection, and the driver stayed on the scene. Unfortunate for everyone involved :(


BasileusLeoIII t1_j3cg62w wrote

the intersections are like 300 yards in either direction from Del's

everyone in the neighborhood runs across the middle of the street when they're a gap

that doesn't make it ok, but that's the situation


a-german-muffin t1_j3ixrr5 wrote

Walnut Lane is the width of a football field away, which is like 60 yards max. It’s less than a minute to walk it.


Proper-Code7794 t1_j3bh5ot wrote

Yeah but that doesn't fit into the narrative


nalgene_wilder t1_j3bp2ak wrote

What narrative?


[deleted] t1_j3btopn wrote



ConfiaEnElProceso t1_j3bp7vz wrote

The driver killed another human with their car. They obviously were moving too quickly to be safe. The rest is just noise.


Shrewlord t1_j3dhivo wrote

You've never driven a car in a city before and seen how easy it is to hit careless pedestrians walking into roads


SomeOtherOrder t1_j3cigxc wrote

You’ve clearly never been in that part of town.

People run across 4 lanes there constantly for a fucking cheesesteak. Not saying they deserve to get hit but it’s 100% their fault if it happens.


Unpopular_couscous t1_j3cs45e wrote

Please please stop defending cars over people 🙏 we build this whole city for cars and now we get the results we wanted out of it.


nalgene_wilder t1_j3gqu1c wrote

The infrastructure being bad and this woman being a fucking idiot are not mutually exclusive concepts. You know what I do when a street is unsafe to cross? I don't cross it, no matter how much I want a damn cheesesteak


SomeOtherOrder t1_j3orcy9 wrote

Driving a car on Henry Ave at an uncontrolled intersection is 100% legal.

Crossing 4 lanes of travel on foot with no traffic controls is not.

Please please stop defending idiots who want a cheesesteak over people just trying to get home 🙏.

I feel like I need to repeat that the people doing this by and large drove there and didn’t feel like finding parking. It’s more convenient for some reason to park across the street and try to run across rather than walk a little further to Walnut and wait to cross. That’s objectively their fault.

I understand no one really deserves to get hit by a car but at what point do you put some blame on people running across a dangerous busy street for the sake of a fucking cheesesteak?

If somebody I knew got hit doing this, yes, I’d be sad for them. But I wouldn’t remove their responsibility from the equation.


Unpopular_couscous t1_j3qwxkt wrote

I sit in the passenger seat most days and watch other drivers. At least 50% of these mfers are texting behind the wheel. The other half decided that red lights are stop signs and they can disregard and and all driving rules. I have no sympathy left for most drivers. The woman, however, is now dead.


ConfiaEnElProceso t1_j3ck026 wrote

I am quite familiar with Roxborough. Henry Ave is a death trap for much of it's length but nowhere more than that area. How much blood does OTIS and Streets need to make changes to prioritize safety?

That said, it is crazy dangerous and everyone driving through the area should operates their vehicles with that in mind. Doing 45 or even 35 through that intersection is simply not safe, and vehicles are frequently going well faster than that.


SomeOtherOrder t1_j3oqlg5 wrote

Alternatively: don’t run across the street there just because you want a sandwich.

These are rarely people that walked the whole way. Most of them drove there and ran across the street because it was more convenient than finding parking.

I always obey the speed limit in that area specifically but it doesn’t stop dumbasses from casually strolling across the street. People driving too fast should be reprimanded but you’re a reckless idiot if you’re crossing that street on foot with no traffic controls.


An_emperor_penguin t1_j3d3ie1 wrote

> People run across 4 lanes there constantly

if people are crossing like this all the time it means the crossings are straight up designed incorrectly, but OTIS/Streets probably think doing it right could maybe slow down traffic so it's not worth it compared to people being killed.

The driver was also clearly going too fast for a heavily pedestrian area if they killed someone but I'm sure they'll get a "it's not you're fault" and go right back to driving dangerously


41sa t1_j3exanr wrote

Like you've never jay-walked before.


SomeOtherOrder t1_j3optar wrote

Of course, everyone has jaywalked.

…but you’re asking for a problem if you’re doing it there specifically. It’s 4 lanes with no traffic stops for at least 100 ft in either direction.

The problem is that it’s very normalized at that spot for no reason other than an overrated cheesesteak.

Jaywalking at a normal intersection with no traffic is one thing. Jaywalking like anywhere on Henry Ave is a shitty risk to take.


JesusOfBeer t1_j3al6wl wrote

“Investigators said the 61-year-old Bensalem, Pennsylvania, woman "was trying to cross the street at mid-block" when she was hit by a southbound Chevy Malibu on Henry Avenue.”

imagine driving from Bucks County to Philly to get a cheesesteak and you forget how to cross the road because you’re excited for your prize and then die for it … oh wait, and now you traumatized that poor person that hit you


Unpopular_couscous t1_j3cskc7 wrote

Correction: "and you forget that our society values cars more than people so you get murdered by one while crossing the street." Yes, she should've been more careful, but holly fuck do people really need to die for us to start dreaming up human centered infrastructure rather than building everything around our addiction to cars and fossil fuels?


Glystopher t1_j3dmuw1 wrote

I can not stand the hyper reliance on cars either friend, it sucks.


JesusOfBeer t1_j3d3akr wrote

Correction: you’re adding nonsense to my comment. The Lady crossed what is basically a 4 lane highway and she got hit… she fucked around and found out. This section of Philly county is basically the burbs with sidewalks, bike paths and crosswalks at intersections with stop lights.

We should be honest in this situation, it’s a tragedy that people were traumatized for her moment of stupidity attempting to play frogger. But holy fuck, yes, let’s focus on infrastructure cause people already fucked the Washington Ave redesign royally! For the Dalessandro’s issue they just have to make Wendover St go one way towards Walnut Lane GC.

People are already crying about future improvements to SEPTA that would improve the timing and reliability of buses, so I don’t have hope in a democratic process that allows the dumbest and loudest to takeover the process.


41sa t1_j3eyerp wrote

"The Lady crossed what is basically a 4 lane highway and she got hit… she fucked around and found out."

Way to miss the point you fucking sociopath. If there is a constant stream of people feeling the need to jaywalk this "4 lane highway" as you say then the road needs to be redesigned. No amount of cheering about how these people deserve to die is going to address the root issue.


JesusOfBeer t1_j3f0j5i wrote

I obviously missed the point, that’s why I didn’t die crossing Henry ave after getting my cheesesteak … cause I used the existing infrastructure to not die.


espressocycle t1_j3nltu9 wrote

Pretty sure she drove there too. If it wasn't for cars the only people who would go there would be the people who live on that side of the street anyway.


--jawnday-- t1_j3cahyl wrote

They have Steve’s up in Bucks and they’ll do the job. Why go all the way to Philly for something you can get that’s comparable?


JesusOfBeer t1_j3coak8 wrote

Or maybe cross at a crosswalk?


--jawnday-- t1_j3cqwvf wrote

You expect Philadelphians to follow the rules?

That would be nice, but it’s not realistic.


wafflefryaz t1_j3rkolo wrote

Because bucks county absolutely sucks for steaks.


ReturnedFromExile t1_j3aljq2 wrote

not to be pedantic but southbound on Henry Avenue?


Unfamiliar_Word t1_j3btqip wrote

I work with somebody who lives on Wendover Street who has been complaining about how dangerous it is and has told me of such awful things happening before. We've built parts of our modern civilization to be real meat grinders.


Dabfan t1_j3brdr5 wrote

You couldn’t pay me to try to walk across Henry during the day let alone after dark. RIP but an extremely stupid decision


theolecowboy t1_j3bts5k wrote

Crossed in the middle of a busy, 4-lane road…


beeps-n-boops OP t1_j3bw5m0 wrote

Which happens all the fucking time at that intersection, because people are so desperate for a shitty cheesesteak and so ignorant about how to cross the street properly... or too entitled to care about anything other than their own conveniences.


ak1368a t1_j3c6lme wrote

Is dalessandros that bad now? Haven't been there in 20 years but i remember loving it.


porkchameleon t1_j3c72ul wrote

Had some late last year, ate it within 30 minutes of buying it, it was dry AF, I’ve had much better ones as leftovers the next day.

Not worth the trip, and mos def not to die for.


512maxhealth t1_j3cqgwj wrote

The original owner sold the place in 2009. I believe people when they say it was good, I’m sure it was, but it’s a pretty bland steak. It tastes like whatever you put on it.


beeps-n-boops OP t1_j3ei3ig wrote

IMO they are terrible. They're one of the (IMO way too fucking many) places that minces the meat into itty-bitty teeny-tiny little bits, a style that I detest... and, to make matters worse, they do that and pile the micro-meat on the grill long before you order.

If I wanted what is essentially a ground beef sandwich I'd have ordered a ground beef sandwich.


theolecowboy t1_j3c95b4 wrote

Exactly. People from the suburbs expect cars to stop for them…that’s not exactly how it works in philly


41sa t1_j3exskh wrote

If there is nowhere convenient to cross in a dense urban area with high pedestrian traffic then the intersection should be redesigned. Pedestrians in the city should absolutely feel entitled not be constantly inconvenienced by car traffic.


beeps-n-boops OP t1_j3f5r0b wrote

> Pedestrians in the city should absolutely feel entitled not be constantly inconvenienced by car traffic.

Utter fucking nonsense.

There may come a time in the future where vehicles -- at least vehicles controlled by flawed and fallible humans -- do not exist, but we aren't even remotely at that point or even vaguely approaching it.

In the here and now, everyone -- vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians -- need to follow the traffic rules, and be courteous and respectful of those we share the roads with.


41sa t1_j3fdrp7 wrote

Idk why you are talking about a world without cars. I love cars, combustion engines, and driving fast. But there is a time and a place for it...

If the road layout is such that people feel compelled to do those things in dense urban centers, on blocks where pedestrians also feel the need to constantly jaywalk... You have an engineering problem. This is not a conversation about people following the traffic rules to a T because we all know they are not meant to be. Nobody on Henry ave is going to follow to speed limit 100% of the time, nor are they expected to. Everybody in this city jaywalks at some time or another, and again, this is expected and normal behavior in the traffic system.


beeps-n-boops OP t1_j3h80dx wrote

> If the road layout is such that people feel compelled to do those things in dense urban centers, on blocks where pedestrians also feel the need to constantly jaywalk... You have an engineering problem.

It has nothing to do with how that intersection is constructed. Is it great/ideal/modern? No. But it's a bog-standard outer city intersection; it's the people who fuck it all up. If they would follow the rules (none of which are unusual or new-fangled) a huge number of the problems would simply go away.


afdc92 t1_j3cio7l wrote

I used to drive past there regularly for work and I detested going around lunchtime because there were people constantly doing this.


Galactus54 t1_j3ckwoj wrote

No solutions presented so far would be as effective as an elevated pedestrian crossover; to those who say “bUt thE cO$t!” how do you value even one life? And it doesn’t matter how good or bad the restaurants are, the place is where these tragedies occur.


-null-null t1_j3eo092 wrote

Elevated crossovers suck to use as a pedestrian and even more so when you’re elderly, disabled, or on a bike. Too much up and down just to cross the street. They have their place over limited access highways and train tracks but the better thing to do is just make the street safer to cross by slowing cars down and improving transit. Getting people out of their cars is far safer for everyone


Glystopher t1_j3dn4fl wrote

It’s my futuristic dream to have elevated pedestrian and bike pathways basically everywhere, so nobody on them has to cross the street except above it! Sure some billionaire could pitch in!!


beeps-n-boops OP t1_j3eidzv wrote

I'm not saying you're wrong, but if both pedestrians and drivers (and bicyclists!) would follow the rules things would be dramatically better and safer than they are.

But people don't give a fuck about anything besides their own sense of entitlement and convenience.


espressocycle t1_j3nl8gl wrote

I guarantee she parked on that side of the street and was walking to her car so they could probably just move the cheese steak place to somewhere with a parking lot. Like the better cheese steak place across the street where she parked.


ACY0422 t1_j3cfwa3 wrote

The so called improvements the city did to make Henry Ave safer in my opinion only made the street more dangerous. Slabs of concrete and curbs jut out. Traffic in front of these place is crazy. People park in the lane. There should be a light or at least a lighted crossing at Wendover.

I am sorry to see another fatal accident on this road.

I have stopped going there unless I see no lines and parking at off hours.


KenzoWap t1_j3gwp67 wrote

I know if I ever get run over by a car it’ll be either a Nissan Altima, Chevy Malibu, Dodge Charger, grabdma’s Oldsmobile or some busted Mitsubishi.


[deleted] t1_j3dbelm wrote

Cross on the crosswalks.

City has a entitlement of just walking wherever and expecting cars to stop.


beeps-n-boops OP t1_j3ehhka wrote


Crosswalks, and Walk / Do Not Walk signs are there for a fucking reason, to keep everyone as safe as possible while keeping traffic moving (as best as possible).


espressocycle t1_j3nme47 wrote

Imagine parking next to a cheese steak place and dying because you crossed a 4-lane stroad to go to the over hyped cheese steak place across the street.


Hashslingingslashar t1_j3hc3v8 wrote

Henry Ave again? That road is a disaster. People go flying down there. Admittedly I’ve done it… but the road design makes it way too easy.


Repulsive_Ad_4096 t1_j3avch8 wrote

😮😲not Dalessandros❗️u gotta watch ur body & how u pull in & out @ this spot,its no joke

-best cheesesteak in the city by the way✅


beeps-n-boops OP t1_j3bwbhj wrote

Over-minced meat left piled high on the grill for 10 - 20 minutes before you even order, so it's all dry and stringy and falls out of the roll with every bite?

No fucking thanks.


napsdufroid t1_j3e9qlc wrote

> best cheesesteak in the city by the way

Cool! Keep telling everyone you know to go there, so the better places will be less crowded


Von7_3686 t1_j3bd5eu wrote

Definitely one of the best without a doubt.


beeps-n-boops OP t1_j3bwpnm wrote

Bleccch. Among the worst IMO.


Von7_3686 t1_j3bzuei wrote

You can die on that hill. A bit dramatic imo


beeps-n-boops OP t1_j3c0u0d wrote

I have no problems being on this hill. It's so much better than the mountain of over-minced meat they leave piled high on the grill long before you even order your sandwich...


GoldenMonkeyRedux t1_j3c9682 wrote

The only reason anyone likes them has to be nostalgia. They are so terrible. So many better sandwiches in this city.


Glystopher t1_j3dni2l wrote

It seems hardly anyone in the city makes a decent cheesesteak at all, everyone’s a critic. Though I seem to remember Bourdain saying that according to him the best cheesesteak in Philly isn’t in philly it’s across the river in New Jersey :/


beeps-n-boops OP t1_j3ehcki wrote

Yeah, he was talking about Donkey's... which isn't even a cheesesteak LOL. It's on a kaiser roll...

Is it tasty? Yes. It is unique and different than everywhere else? Absolutely. Is it a cheesesteak? Nope.