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41sa t1_j3fdrp7 wrote

Idk why you are talking about a world without cars. I love cars, combustion engines, and driving fast. But there is a time and a place for it...

If the road layout is such that people feel compelled to do those things in dense urban centers, on blocks where pedestrians also feel the need to constantly jaywalk... You have an engineering problem. This is not a conversation about people following the traffic rules to a T because we all know they are not meant to be. Nobody on Henry ave is going to follow to speed limit 100% of the time, nor are they expected to. Everybody in this city jaywalks at some time or another, and again, this is expected and normal behavior in the traffic system.


beeps-n-boops OP t1_j3h80dx wrote

> If the road layout is such that people feel compelled to do those things in dense urban centers, on blocks where pedestrians also feel the need to constantly jaywalk... You have an engineering problem.

It has nothing to do with how that intersection is constructed. Is it great/ideal/modern? No. But it's a bog-standard outer city intersection; it's the people who fuck it all up. If they would follow the rules (none of which are unusual or new-fangled) a huge number of the problems would simply go away.