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The3rdRepublic t1_j3gvkeb wrote

I saw em there too when I went the first time


beeps-n-boops t1_j3h77ov wrote

Crazy as it sounds I have still never seen a live fox in the wild. :(


napsdufroid t1_j3iqwvy wrote

Wow. I see them trying to run across the Boulevard at least monthly


beeps-n-boops t1_j3j9u7a wrote

I know, right? And I don't live inside the city, so there are plenty of woods and open fields where you would think I'd have seen one before now!

(And, for the record, I'm not a young'un LOL...)

PS. Sad about the "trying" part... I'm sure I know how that usually ends... :(


napsdufroid t1_j3jhpi5 wrote

Believe it or not, I'd say they make it 3/4 of the time. They seem to know when to run.


talarooralat t1_j3k5jl6 wrote

I just saw one today in Haddington Woods. I’ve lived almost my whole life around here and this was my first!


ChipmunkFood t1_j426u6t wrote

They're around in the Wissahickon and Belmont Plateau. They're harder to find then deer since they're pretty shy and skittish - except when they have kits (baby foxes) then the Mom fox will be somewhat aggressive (but not in a dangerous way).
I once saw one on Kelly Drive near the tunnel. At first I thought it was a corgi - but then saw the long tail and thin legs. It was smart. It ran along the walkway to around the General Grant statue and then looked both ways and crossed Kelly Drive.
But they are quite beautiful. So to call someone a "fox" is a super-super compiment.


mttbil t1_j3hp06o wrote

Wow, great pic! I've seen a number of foxes in the cemeteries around Upper Darby, but I haven't been able to get a shot. I guess they hang out there for the same reason I do -- not much other green space :/


SBRH33 t1_j3haz9v wrote

Mt moriah.


Hashslingingslashar t1_j3hcbfu wrote

Ah I love foxes… when I was in London I saw a bunch of them, they’ve found a little niche for themselves in the city.


CleverGirlBlue t1_j3hlkae wrote

Which cemetery? Just saw my first fox in Philly today at the Schuylkill Center.


WoodenInternet t1_j3hh731 wrote

They seem to love cemeteries, I've seen them playing fox hide-and-seek (hiding behind headstones) in one by me