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SteveJeltz t1_j5opxac wrote

>When I was a student at temple all the discourse was about how Temple students were hurting the community and destroying the neighborhood.

Don't worry, once the university announces its next capital project all of the "community activists" will come out of hiding to bitch and moan about how Temple is a bad neighbor.


NoREEEEEEtilBrooklyn t1_j5ouomj wrote

And when that happens, this time Temple should build the project specifically as a giant middle finger to the community. Temple tippie toes around everything and as an alum it pisses me off. The stadium proposal was specifically designed to be as non-invasive as possible and they couldn’t even explain the proposal at a town hall before being shouted down by activists.


go_berds t1_j5ovn6s wrote

That stadium site was almost entirely surrounded by student housing too


NoREEEEEEtilBrooklyn t1_j5p4suh wrote

Yup. I think there were like two or three houses that were occupied by local residents directly bordered by the stadium, and only one of them initially disliked the proposal, but once they learned that there was not going to be non-residential parking allowed in the neighborhoods on gameday, they were fine with it. Now, I don’t know how realistic a lot of the promises were, but that proposal went above and beyond to try to placate the neighbors. They were planning to dig as deep as possible so that the stadium was no taller than the surrounding row homes and only use it for a limited amount of events per year (Football games and Commencement if I recall correctly). They also were going to build a state of the art childcare center adjacent to campus where local residents would be able to enroll their kids for free, and all stadium related jobs were to have preferred hiring for residents of the local area. It was an extraordinary effort from the university to try to meet the needs of Temple while also not fucking over the neighborhood, and they got spit on.


DonHedger t1_j5phw8a wrote

Temple is a bad neighbor and a fairly shitty employer. It can simultaneously be the case that the area Temple is situated in is dangerous and needs policing/intervention and that Temple is going about it in a negative or unhelpful way.

EDIT: lmao, y'all are fucking nuts. Why on earth would you want to live amongst a community you feel so at war with? Chances are most of you are MBA alums or undergrads who don't actually live in North Philly or interact with Temple all that much. Here's Temple suggesting they'll deport international graduate workers (1/3 of their workforce, mind you) who strike:
