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xenawarriorfrycook t1_j4o68kj wrote

On Saturday, Sept. 3 of this past year, some of my friends watched a horse's body fail as it was pulling a carriage on Sansom Street. Here is a photo my friend took. Please note the horse's swayback and general body condition. They couldn't get the horse to move, even decoupled, so they had to call that trailer in the picture to haul it away. This horse doesn't look loved. The photo makes it look like it might be a fleabitten gray horse, but in reality a lot of that coat color was dirt.

I'm not calling you a liar. I think it's possible that there have been drivers and stable workers who love the animals. But something is wrong here and it's probably better for the welfare of the animals if the carriages go away.


synthetikxangel t1_j4oanba wrote

That is not a horse from this company (can tell this because of the trailer and carriage front)


xenawarriorfrycook t1_j4oevc2 wrote

Does that mean it was an illegally operating company, under Philadelphia's official radar? The title of the Inquirer article that we're responding to states that 'the last' company closed its doors, is 76 the company referenced? I'm paywalled from actually reading the article.

Edit: I'm getting down voted and I'm not sure why. I'm legitimately asking


synthetikxangel t1_j4ppe8q wrote

The article is about 76 Carriage Co. They were the last company operating legally in Philly.
