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hungryhummushead t1_j6n3mcz wrote

I think more housing and development there is a good thing, but the underground parking is no bueno. I think instead they need to have surface parking and the first floor of the complex starts elevated up above the surface parking. So flooding which is bound to happen would instead only affect the surface parking. I've seen a few other apartment buildings along the Schuylkill doing this type of build, which makes sense. However I'm not sure how they could really handle retail space with a design like that.

Development combined with extending the bike path to some extent would be amazing.


TumblingDice82 t1_j6nusrx wrote

Even with the inevitable flooding issues, from a community perspective, I'd rather have ground floor retail space there rather than a surface parking lot.


frickensweet t1_j6pgsec wrote

Theres a decent amount of empty store fronts on main street already.

To be fair, there isn't much of anything near where they are looking to build this now though. Apart from the liquor store i never travel that far down main street.