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verbeeg t1_j5qvv92 wrote

So to preface it, when we bought this house it was the dirtiest place I've ever been in. I lived in a West Philly show house in 2008 so I've seen some grime. Dirty as in rat poop, mouse poop, roach poop, tons of dead roaches. You name it.

Was scrubbing out a kitchen cabinet and no matter what I did I kept getting back brown dirt on the rag I was using. It looked clean, but with how bad everything else was so I wasn't too surprised. Scrubbed for a good 30 minutes and still brown every time. Eventually led to me aggressively cleaning the area of the brown menace and dislodging a weird cube from the side of the cabinet wall.

Apparently one of the previous owners in their landlord wisdom needed to hold up part of a cabinet shelf and a bouillon cube perfectly fit in the spot. Only needs to support a few mugs and cups so why not? Then they decided to paint over it as the metallic shine really clashed.

There must have been just enough of a break in the paint for the cleaning agent to hit the bouillon when I was scrubbing out the cabinet. So I wasn't bringing back a dirty rag, just one that was apparently really tasty.


TheFAPnetwork t1_j5rbqkm wrote

The pests invaded trying to find that cube. It was a battle of species.