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alnage t1_j6ihdeu wrote

Was that for the As World Series?


electric_ranger t1_j6il6pd wrote

I wish the As were still around. The toxicity of two baseball fandoms in Philly would make the Israel/Palestine look like a polite disagreement.


ocnj t1_j6jeb54 wrote

The 1929 A’s were the best team this city had ever had. Very close in second place are the 66-67 Sixers. So many hall of famers on each of those rosters.


AbsentEmpire t1_j6knple wrote

A stadium in the city?! What devilry is this?


start260 t1_j6mlm6f wrote

Saw my first Phillies game there. Amazing place. Got off the train at north Philly station and walked over. There is a church there now. I remember the last game the fans ripped it apart looking for souvenirs