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DoctorDream614 t1_j8kpgo7 wrote

I don't believe it ppl shouldnt reproduce my point was were the only form of life that thinks on a higher lvl and wants to be noticed I'm throwing ideas out there we could all be hooked up computers talking to each other Wich were made by same said society and so on


Maximus_En_Minimus t1_j8m0u7n wrote

I can’t comprehend your comment, it’s inarticulate. Please re-phrase.


DoctorDream614 t1_j8myfv1 wrote

Sorry I was drunk last night what I meant was were the only animals / mammals species on Earth that create war over simple s*** as a political dispute or in the name of God when while you only see an animal nature do some type of s*** like that to defend themselves and then what I meant what I said at the end of my rant was that we could all be computers just communicating with each other like A. I. self learning ones Elon musk I think it was created they started thinking for themselves without no one's help or influence and created their own language what if we're in a game of inception it just keeps getting deeper and deeper the writer and creator of The Terminator and The matrix said The Terminator was a prequel to what's to come. weather you believe in the 1 percenters or not they usually publicly announce their intentions and plans of world changing events before they even take place pay attention to what they don't want you to pay attention to read what they tell you not to read learn how to think not what to think just because Google says it's true don't mean s*** Google is owned by corporations the corporations control the truth that you see same as any news station any real news that there is to be reported is overshadowed by all the stuff and b******* that separates us and divides us as a people and then we're showing how scared we should be of our surrounding world. They're training us now to turn on each other at point in time when it would be crucial for the powers that be in their agenda that if we didn't they don't want us to unite