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AllanfromWales1 t1_j8ybis8 wrote

Social trust has been around, and been nurtured, far longer than any attempts at defining it.


JackofAllTrades30009 t1_j907wl6 wrote

Yes, but it seems it only comes about easily in situations that are analogous to the evolution conditions in which humans first evolved: small isolated groups where survival is not guaranteed. We live in a very different world from that, and I am certainly of the opinion that one of the many crises plaguing our world as it is is a distinct lack of social trust; having a routine to potentially nurture it is therefore very useful


AllanfromWales1 t1_j90phsm wrote

Opinion: That may be a US-centric view. Here in rural Wales it seems to me to be alive and well, though far from universal.


JackofAllTrades30009 t1_j919js3 wrote

I would contend that in a place like Wales, the (comparatively to the US) low cultural diversity and the notion that Welsh cultural survival under British hegemony (at least within the sphere of the UK) is not guaranteed is what brings about that social cohesion. I imagine as well that the social cohesion in Cardiff is less than out in the countryside as well. Then again, I’m not speaking from experience so I might be completely off base


AllanfromWales1 t1_j91h5m8 wrote

Pretty much right on both points, except that historically the 'British' were the Welsh, driven back to this corner of the island by Anglo-Saxons and others. Brythonic Celts is where 'Britain' comes from. What resentment there is gets directed towards the English (which, incidentally, I am) not the British.


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