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GalacticDystopia t1_j92xxy2 wrote

I'll take "extinct notions of once-great institutions" for $1000, Alex

EDIT for elaboration: Simply put, the rise of "activist" journalism has entirely done away with any notion of objective reporting.

Granted, journalism to some degree has always had an activist bent to it, but now it's just blatant to the point where they're not even trying to hide it anymore.

VICE is really bad about this. They finance some of their more decent pieces with countless amounts of misinformed and frankly, venom-laced garbage clickbait. Most of their recent shit too has had way too large of a "oh this poor criminal" bent.

There's nothing most of these activist journalists hate more than the common working person, all the while having the gall to claim they're on your side.

They're in no one's corner but their own.


[deleted] t1_j93f2yz wrote



Good-Candidate3044 t1_j95c74d wrote

No. A common working person someone who makes just enough to get by and does work with their hands, Work that actually helps us as a species and not some middle management office job for a company that offers no product.

That would be my assumption of what they ment.

You think Google employees making 200k a year doing literally nothing but eating getting massages and taking 5 meetings a day are "common working people" and everyone below them are just scum to you.