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Im-a-magpie t1_j9toado wrote

The ordinary concept is simple libertarian free will. There's nothing contradictory about it. Most people just reject a deterministic universe. Compatibilism is motivated by some desperate need to preserve our intuitive notions of justice, morality and ethics instead of accepting that those intuitions are flawed and don't reflect reality.


Thelonious_Cube t1_ja1lvwc wrote

No, that's not correct.

The ordinary concept also includes the idea that one's choices are a product of one's taste, values and experience - therefore tied to the causal history of one's life.


Im-a-magpie t1_ja1uetw wrote

But also that you could, for whatever reason, choose to go against those things.

E: Also people believe taste, values and such are the product of conscious choice.