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[deleted] t1_j9jfk19 wrote

(That sounds like a very interesting racial diversification! Not the kind of gentrification that I've experienced! Cool to hear!)

From this comment and the one above, seems like too much discussion is about race. Race is just the most obvious visual aspect of gentrification. I worry that if we focus on it too much then we'll get bogged down in examples and counter examples that are all, frankly, kind of reductive. I don't think that people seeing each other as just members of a race. Like, if you're forced to move due to gentrification, you're upset about moving away from your neighbors that you love and not just about the color of their skin, right?

Which is why we need to stop tiptoeing around the idea of class. In some neighborhoods the whites are displacing the Latinos and in others it's the Indians displacing blacks. Whatever. In all cases, the rich are able to displace the poor when they feel like it because housing as an investment is opposed to housing as a right.

It's all just class struggle and we ought to not focus on race.