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edstatue t1_j9wcotn wrote

I don't agree that a higher level of consciousness necessarily correlates with a more accurate or complete perception of reality.

Perception doesn't require consciousness, and I think ants are probably not conscious, but we know they can perceive the world around them. Not exactly as humans do, but with various sensory organs.

Why then, would consciousness bring us closer to reality? How often does our conscious mind lie to us? We know that each time we recall a memory it gets modified before we move on... We know that our subconscious mind can even perceive stimuli better than our conscious mind (there's a reason you pull your hand off a hot burner without even thinking about it).

I posit that consciousness is a beautiful lie our bodies tell us, and that if we are to look for a living being on earth that experiences "reality" as closely as possible, it's going to be something that doesn't have sentience as a misleading bottleneck.


quantumdeterminism t1_j9whmpf wrote

This is an interesting take.

For all we know, Maybe there is an inverse correlation there, the more conscious you are, the more disconnected you are from objective reality.

May be the ants really have the upper hand on us when it comes to reality. There is just no way to know.