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CaptainAsshat t1_jau6cek wrote

I don't trust I'm looking at something. I just have personal evidence that within my own experience, be it solipsistic or not, that interacting with the things identified by my senses has been effective at modifying my experience, solipsistic or not.

I do not have faith that I'm looking at something, I just do not have any evidence to suggest I am being misled. In the cases that I DO have evidence of being misled, such as optical illusions, I actively do not think I am looking at what I am seeing. And in such cases, no belief or trust is undermined, as it never existed in the first place.


twoiko t1_jaud2zy wrote

How does any of that relate to the original comment?

>Sensory experiences do not necessarily logically reflect a world out there

Linking your personal experience to the model of reality your mind has created is not in question here.


CaptainAsshat t1_jaumpdy wrote

I have no issue with the quote you included. My only issue was with the idea that faith is a necessary part of having said sensory experiences. Whether or not it reflects a "real" world is immaterial.