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Doobledorf t1_jatz4vn wrote

Exactly this. It isn't saying "don't be sad that your car will someday not be here." Instead, it's that the sadness you experience will be easier to deal with rather than the sadness caused by the loss AND clinging to what you no longer have.


Bakemono30 t1_jaxex7d wrote

In other words, a shift in perspective. Both are not changing the fact that the car will die, but the fact that one’s perspective towards that event is key to finding oneself.

I may have to look further into this… I feel like my perspectives in my life need some serious retuning. Thank you!


Doobledorf t1_jaxg271 wrote

Of course! I found the idea of "dropping the second arrow" to be really helpful, if you're interested in some reading. I think it's a Buddhist concept?


Bakemono30 t1_jaxg724 wrote

Cool! I will definitely check it out! Thanks again!