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InTheEndEntropyWins t1_jazkxb5 wrote

Reply to comment by Jess3200 in Žižek Has Lost the Plot by elimial

>The Tavistock was closed down for, essentially, being oversubscribed. The interim report goes into more nuanced detail, of course.

That's just seems like a misleading retelling of history.

If it was solely just closed for being oversubscribed, wouldn't it make sense to wait until the replacement centres were set up first.

Let's look as statement from Cass who is writing the report.


>Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust has been told to shut the clinic by spring after it was criticised in an independent review.
>Dr Hilary Cass, said the Tavistock clinic needed to be transformed.
>She said the current model of care was leaving young people "at considerable risk" of poor mental health and distress, and having one clinic was not "a safe or viable long-term option".
>Dr Cass's report said there was a lack of understanding about why the type of patients the clinic was seeing was changing, with more female to male patients and more autistic children. Dr Cass also highlighted inconclusive evidence to back some of the clinical decision making.
>But in 2020, questions about the service were raised after it was rated "inadequate" by inspectors,
>In an interim report earlier this year, Dr Cass said:
>The service was struggling to deal with spiralling waiting lists
>It was not keeping "routine and consistent" data on its patients
>Health staff felt under pressure to adopt an "unquestioning affirmative approach"
>Once patients are identified as having gender-related distress, other healthcare issues they had, such as being neurodivergent, "can sometimes be overlooked"
>She then suggested introducing local hubs, writing that the current provider model "is not a safe or viable long-term option".


Jess3200 t1_jb09vpc wrote

Odd. I provided a direct link to the actual report, yet you seem to be quoting from a BBC news piece here...and after I named how suspicious it was the Zizek did the very same.

The actual report spells out the concerns re: how overwhelmed the service was, how frustrated many young people accessing the service were with this and how certain professionals within the service felt their voices weren't being heard. It's clear that the first of these is the most important in the service not being able to meet demand and expectation.

I'd encourage everyone to read the report for themselves.


InTheEndEntropyWins t1_jb0bt7q wrote

>Odd. I provided a direct link to the actual report, yet you seem to be quoting from a BBC news piece here...and after I named how suspicious it was the Zizek did the very same.

If the article is quoting directly from the person who wrote the report or from the report itself I don't see the issue.

Anyway here is a similar quote directly from the report you linked.


>Primary and secondary care staff
>have told us that they feel under pressure
>to adopt an unquestioning affirmative
>approach and that this is at odds with the
>standard process of clinical assessment
>and diagnosis that they have been trained
>to undertake in all other clinical encounters


>I'd encourage everyone to read the report for themselves.

Sure, if people believe the BBC is lying they can also do something similar and look up those points from the report itself.

Edit: The interim report clearly mentions failings. Anyone who actually reads it should be in no doubt that Tavistock was shut down partially for it's failings rather than solely because it was oversubscribed.


Jess3200 t1_jb0dksl wrote

They should also recognise that it's failings were largely due to it being oversubscribed. No service can work efficiently when overwhelmed.