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ShrikeonHyperion t1_jbpwde9 wrote

That's a view I share. The two types if "I" are even more prominent on consciousness altering substances, up to completely seperating the observer and the decider. The desicions are viewed by the observer without prejudice, and you can learn lot about yourself that way. Also depersonalisation and derealisation(hope that's right, im German) which i experienced with a anxiety disorder are a separation of the two. You realise that you are actually not in control, you can only observe the action your brain dictates. It's my view that we are the sum of every decision made in our lives, every response we got, in short your past life dictates your actions. which can be very unsettling.

And the point of getting mad, i really thought a while that i can control it. But in reality i can't, i get mad and only afterwards i can readjust my feelings. It pops up, and then I calm down again. Which could be viewed as free will, but again, that's only the sum of everything that happened to me. I can do this, because i had some experiences or whatnot that made me able to do so, and they made me not only able to do this, but they also dictate that i do it, in which situations i do it, and in which not.

On high doses of hallucinogens you can get get in a kind of state that makes you aware of everything your brain is doing. It's really a conceptual space almost in a mathematical sense, It's the last stage(there is another, depending on the substance) of the geometry you perceive on low to high doses. It's fascinating, it starts almost invisible, gets stronger and more vivid, the complexity increases more and more. Then there's a point after you can't get away from it anymore. It's visible with open eyes, at first covering stuff in 2d, then it gets 3d, and then there comes a point where open or closed eyes don't make a difference anymore. The last state is the realization that that geometry IS your conscience. It's too much to grasp, normally we have filters that save us from this. At that point every feeling is connected, all the senses are the same. It's just math at that point. And as someone that has math, physics and such stuff as a serious hobby, it makes sense. Lots of fractal and actually impossible geometry.

But not for mathematics. Impossible to describe i mean. Sadly most people that do this to such an extent have nothing to do with math. I would love to hear the thoughts of a real mathematician, because they are just trained to recognise patterns and propably already know lots of the concepts they would experience.

Why fractals for example? I think that they are representations of feedback loops we see operating, like the oxygen concentration and breathing loop. Or just the image of on Neuron firing, and after x steps it gets triggered again. And again. Untill some other neuron interferes. It's a state of constant fluidity, it changes in (maybe?) infinitesimal small steps, as time has long lost its meaning at that point.

Every thing has meaning, sometimes paradoxical; and everything your body experiences in that state strongly infuences the geometry you ecperience. Like when someone touches you, you don't feel it on yor arm, instead the geometry changes accordingly. Or music... can seriously be too much, but you can see(i use this word in lieu of a better one, experience would propably better, but still not enough.) what the music does to your brain. I think i stop here, i don't belive this is the right place for this.

Go there if you want to know more about the kinds of geometry you'll experience psychedelics.

It's a shame that no one does studies on this, it could reveal so much about the inner workings of our consciousness. Or not, and it' just bs. But i don't think so. They strip your mind one layer of safeguard after another, untill you're exposed to everything your mind can offer. It's not even scary, because at that point "scary" ist just one concept of many, and since you are the observer you can analyze it and what it does to your brain and your body without fear. Without anything actually. You are reduced to something i can't describe. And if the effects wear off, you can't describe what really happened, because we don't have words for it. Not even a concept. That's why im for mathematicians on drugs... They maybe could shed some light on this.

I'm really not sure if it's just bs, but all the connections to math just make sense. In the end, we are nothing more than computers. Biological, but still a computer.

OK, now i really stop.

Full on deterministic i would say...

And have mercy with me, i have nothing to do with philosophy, i just like to read this sub, and once i had something maybe meaningful to share.

By the way, i don't believe in DMT faires or such stuff, maybe a part of yor consciousness gets separated or whatnot. Everything on hallucinogens only happens in your brain.

And a warning to everyone, you all probably can guess where my anxiety disorder comes from... I have HPPD too, so be careful if you think about going on a trip! Please!