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mundodiplomat t1_jc5qjy3 wrote

It's a silly and overly chaotic movie masquerading as some deep philosophical movie. It's style over substance with a very simple premise. Nothing to deconstruct here, just move on in my opinion.

Secondly, trying to touch on metaphysics in a movie is very hard and can quickly become pretentious. I would instead recommend Donnie Darko which tries do to it with more subtly.


Hazzman t1_jc5zz1z wrote

Actually I don't think the movie is masquerading as anything. I think it is what it is. A fun and chaotic movie with some stuff about relationships. I don't think it tries to pretend to be particularly deep. I mean a giant blackhole bagel as the source of all evil or whatever?

I think it is important to separate the movie, its actors and those who wrote and produced it from the awards ceremony that is placating the masses in order to win over views on an awards show that no longer has the same grip on the publics imagination as it once did.

Everyone likes a feel good story, so the Oscars produced a couple this year and it was popular and it worked.

It doesn't mean the movies that are a a part of that production are any less for it.

Are there going to be articles and fluff pieces trying to paint these productions as more than they are? Probably. Does it mean they aren't actually good or that they have some depth or anything worth appreciating? Absolutely not.

Lots of people will get annoyed at the recipients of these cynical backroom manipulations - but I think that's silly. Just because the feel good story was manufactured doesn't mean it doesn't feel good. Does the movie and its performers deserve an Oscar? Honestly? More than anything I think - who cares? In my opinion no, probably not. But - essentially who cares?

You will see the same people claim that these actors didn't deserve these Oscars while also claiming the Oscars are silly and pointless and people shouldn't watch them. Who cares.


Giggalo_Joe t1_jc73iwa wrote

it's amazing how people can be fascinated by the firefly dancing in the night. I agree. The movie has no value.