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sdrawkabem t1_jcftdrb wrote


rmimsmusic t1_jcfy2sc wrote

Not OP, but modern philosophy has shifted pretty heavily away from the metaphysical, and most discussions require some amount of empiricism to hold any actual value.

Basically if the claims you're making can't be verified (or if they cannot be falsified) then they're generally disregarded, or they're analyzed further to see if there's any actual truth that can be verified/useful.

Meditations is not that. It's mostly a collection of bold statements that worked specifically for him. But even though they worked for this grand emperor, that doesn't mean they will work for you, or that they are the most correct thing to do, or that they're even relevant in a modern context.

I would say take Meditations as the musings of a pretty decent emperor, and do what people do with most religious/self help texts and pick the parts that apply to you.

And keep in mind that you're not a Roman emperor with advisors and a practically endless supply of wealth, and the ability to basically do what you want anyway.

And then read Hume, Locke, Russel, and my favorite: AJ Ayer.


xuanling11 t1_jci21uv wrote

That is more empiricism…moving into modern of modern philosophy, the claim that cannot be verified but have some rational backup can also be a possible of the knowledge. You cannot verify everything… (skepticism).