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Xavion251 t1_jdwz0ky wrote

Prior arguments and experience. Like people have done for all history.


WrongAspects t1_jdxa0t3 wrote

What do you think science is?


Xavion251 t1_jdy1njl wrote

Trying to obtain knowledge via the scientific method - which making and testing hypotheses.

That does not describe all arguments and premises that work.

Experiencing something isn't making and testing a hypothesis. Not sure what you're trying to get at.


WrongAspects t1_jdyw3n2 wrote

What do you think experiments are? Aren’t they experiences? Do you think science doesn’t involve reasoning? Do you think mathematics is not reasoning?

Do you have knowledge of things you never experienced?


Xavion251 t1_jdzafia wrote

>Aren’t they experiences?

All experiments are experiences, but not all experiences are experiments.

>Do you think science doesn’t involve reasoning?

All science involves reasoning, but not all reasoning is a part of science.

>Do you think mathematics is not reasoning?

Mathematics is logic, not necessarily reasoning depending on definition. Even so, not all reasoning is math.

>Do you have knowledge of things you never experienced?

Nope. Everything must be experienced in some form. If I learn something from reading a book, I still had to experience the book in some way (usually reading via eyesight).


WrongAspects t1_jdzbh0r wrote

You are so confused it’s not even funny. Look at how you are twisting the world to back your anti science stance.


Xavion251 t1_je0fq3x wrote


"Not believing science is the be-all-end-all that the world should revolve around" = "anti-science stance"?

That's a very cult-like mindset.

Science is a very good methodology for gaining truths, particularly truths that lead to technological advancement. That doesn't mean it's a God we should all bow down too - which is how you seem to be treating it.


WrongAspects t1_je3tcm4 wrote

You are one denying that experiences are not experiments right?


Xavion251 t1_je511vl wrote

They're not. That can be, but they are not fundamentally.


WrongAspects t1_je6wf09 wrote

Every time you have an expectation it’s an experiment. All experiences are experiments. You have a world view in your head and you are trying to see if it matches reality.