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sheggysheggy t1_irisqdh wrote

> the speed of light (around 300 million metres per second)

Good article.


glass_superman t1_irjeofy wrote

That pretty close, right? What's the issue?


GolfSierraMike t1_irjrd5c wrote

May be commenting on the fact we can't know the actual true speed if light due to relative positioning.


sticklebat t1_irk9qql wrote

That’s not a “fact.” The speed of light is frame invariant, so it’s one of the few things that’s not relative in the first place.


GolfSierraMike t1_irka16s wrote

Sorry, I've always understood that since it's impossible to know the speed of light in one direction we can't know the actual speed of light.


sticklebat t1_irkdh7w wrote

Oh, that’s what you meant. It’s true that we can’t measure the one-way speed of light, but we do know that the two-way speed is 300 million m/s and isotropic, and that is always what is meant by “the speed of light” unless explicitly stated otherwise. If this is actually what the person was referring to, then they were being absurdly obtuse.


jakemar5 t1_irji2di wrote

That’s… that’s the correct speed of light?


bigots_hate_her t1_irjxrwp wrote

Speed of causality. It’s how fast particles can influence each other via interactions (mediated by “virtual” particles).

Lmao @downvotes. See here on speed of causality


sheggysheggy t1_irk28my wrote

It's 300k meters per second, not 300 million meters.


jakemar5 t1_irk2mjb wrote

You're very confident on that, aren't you? I'd suggest a quick Google search.


sheggysheggy t1_irk2w3i wrote

> I'd suggest a quick Google search

I did and I'm an idiot and my weekend is ruined.


ShalmaneserIII t1_irlhdix wrote

I know how awful it can be when you plan a weekend trip based on the speed of light being one thing and accidentally miscalculating by a few orders of magnitude. Totally throws off the estimated gas mileage in the starship.


jakemar5 t1_irk378v wrote

Simple mistake, it could happen to anyone. Have a good weekend!