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gae12345 t1_irmr44d wrote

oh it wasn't meant as something which would challenge something else you said or anything like that I just asked because how crazy and interesting all this is thanks for having answered

so quatnum particles are made of energy no wait they 're made of wave functions?


TMax01 t1_irmy8rh wrote

Just the thought they are "made of" some other thing is really the issue, in a very ultimate sort of way. Some people truly believe they are 'made of' thought, perception, even consciousness itself. Most people want a more rigorous, scientific kind of approach, but are stymied by the fact they seem to be 'made of' nothing more than probability (or perhaps "strings vibrating in 11 dimensions"). Is energy 'made of' wave functions or are wave functions 'made of 'energy? I propose they (energy and wave functions) are 'made of' and 'make up' the ineffability of being, and it's "turtles all the way down", as if that makes any sense. 😉

By the way, I started a subreddit for discussing things like this outside of r/philosophy and r/consciousness, feel free to visit or post there if you are interested.

Thanks for your time. Hope it helps.


gae12345 t1_irn40m2 wrote

>hey are 'made of' thought, perception, even consciousness

well one could ask what those things are made of as well


TMax01 t1_iroydv4 wrote

Indeed. But whatever the answer might be, one could ask what that is "made of". It's turtles all the way down.


gae12345 t1_irn43mq wrote

>propose they (energy and wave functions) are 'made of' and 'make up' the
>ineffability of being
>, and it's "turtles all the way down"

sort of like a feedback loop? I will definitely check out that sub


TMax01 t1_iroxz5j wrote

Not a feedback loop, like a dynamic equilibrium; an identity (not a personality trait, but being the same thing) without teleology (cause or purpose): being. As in the word is.