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thebeautifulseason t1_irnrfdw wrote

Yes! Thank you! And I’m glad you touched on what I sorta naively think of as “so what” or “what would knowing the answer change for you?” And moving beyond or setting that aside that has its own value. The book I’m listening to brought this home in a roundabout way, and makes me wonder about “genius,” about how it is not some magical quality but a combination of being able to hold onto the thread while moving around the “so what” questions with, hmm, how to put it…intuition within reason? Reason expanded with intuition? Anyway, I’m incredibly appreciative of the time you put into your response, and you can be sure I’ll be coming back to it later when my poor brain has cooled down.


TMax01 t1_irnw30y wrote

>sorta naively think of as “so what” or “what would knowing the answer change for you?”

I can appreciate the "hot take", but it is, indeed, naive. My questions certainly had a similar dispositive character to what you could naturally presume to be dismissive argumentation, but they were sincere and exploratory, not merely rhetorical.

>Reason expanded with intuition?

In my view, which is thoroughly unconventional, intuition and reason are much more closely related than reason and logic, the conventional view that I believe you and that book said about 'genius' are both starting from.

Happy to help, hope to hear more from you.