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FaeTaleDream t1_is7g0ab wrote

The city is unlivable.....

You people can not be comparing the sun to possible radiation contamination.


CloudiusWhite t1_is7h8z5 wrote

Stalkers literally live there and people have lived in the exclusion zone since the 90s and are alive and old as fuck. I know three such people who before the war lived there more often than outside of the zone personally, two of them were going to take me exploring there when I did my trip across the pond.


FaeTaleDream t1_is7i0iw wrote

And people can live on top an active volcano, that doesn't make it livable for a nation.


CloudiusWhite t1_is7lgzf wrote

The thousands or possibly millions of people living on islands across the planet with active volcanos being what formed them would disagree, but okay.


VitriolicViolet t1_is871yt wrote

dont bother, most people hear nuclear and think of the simpsons or the intentionally misleading propaganda show, Chernobyl.

what i find funny is nuclear is the lowest profit option of all power generation, taking 10+ years for ROI (even if you build them in 6 years its takes a decade to make money) and somehow it is the 'evil' form of power generation.

its almost like renewables were chosen, not because they were better, because they are just as profitable as fossil fuels (if we went 100% nuclear the energy industry would lose more then half its profits)


VitriolicViolet t1_is86i5i wrote

some people have done enough chemistry and physics to know how radiation works and thus do not fear it.

Coal has killed more people via radiation than all nuclear technologies and accidents combined.

once waste hits 100+ years old its comparable to getting an x-ray ffs.

anti-nuclear activists have harmed the environment as much as fossil fuels lobbyists have, hell they teamed up in the 90s to kill nuclear.