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Maker623 t1_ispylyj wrote

True. Either man decides what's right and wrong, or someone/thing else does. If man decides what's right and wrong, then "You say theft is wrong? Well I say it's right... were both men, so now what?" Sure, the collection of all humans can come up with moral codes, but does that really PROVE that things like murder are wrong? All I see are a bunch of people sharing an idea.... (this probably ties into the idea that truth {objective reality} is dictated and spoken into existence by man himself)

Anyways, great post, and this question will probably never be answered, unless we can know that a supreme being exists or not, and we don't even know if aliens exist yet...

Personally, I think there is something in everyone that really does judge their own morality, and everyone knows what is true right and wrong (like charity giving/murder). I also personally believe that someone like the Las Vegas shooter, or the WW2 bad guy deserves no excuse, and no remorse. It's one thing to be misguided or taught something wrong, it's another to defile your conscious and ignore your own judgement repeatedly.