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platoprime t1_itvi6rc wrote

I'm not talking about "variations over time". I'm talking about getting two different measurements depending on your frame of reference.

>what even are you saying, my dude?

I'm saying you should probably learn the conceptual basics of special relativity.


WhatsThatNoize t1_itvkhq6 wrote

Variations of location, time, and relative velocity are immaterial to objective reality. They're not "subjective truths", they're second-order measurements.

I'm well aware of special relativity Mr. 200 IQ.


platoprime t1_itvkzfi wrote

>I'm well aware of special relativity

I'm not the one calling differences caused by separate frames of reference "variations over time"

>Variations of location, time, and relative velocity are immaterial to objective reality.

If differences in frames of reference weren't material to objective reality they would be unnecessary to describe objective reality. As you are no doubt aware General Relativity is necessary to correctly describe reality.


WhatsThatNoize t1_itvwojf wrote

No, you're just attributing a meaningless distinction to an important one.

> If differences in frames of reference weren't material to objective reality they would be unnecessary to describe objective reality.

You're entirely forgetting that you're talking about a mathematical MODEL of reality.


platoprime t1_itvwykd wrote

>You're entirely forgetting that you're talking about a mathematical MODEL of reality.

You're entirely forgetting Relativity has been experimentally confirmed.