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daikarasu t1_itvu7l1 wrote

>Subjective truth

You mean a belief? Because nobody is saying you can't have your beliefs.

>The physical universe changes length, order of events, the rate of passage of time, and more based on your frame of reference. Yet we consider those things to be objective reality.

This is a false equivalency, you can measure the universe and how frames of reference change. You cannot measure a person's perspective or how their view changes.

>I'm not sure why it is such a leap to conclude that morality and such are subjective truths and the apparent dissonance is just that, apparent.

Because you're equating subjective truths to objective measurements.

Look, let's use an example. If you take 2 identical space ships and send them through an identical journey across the stars, they will end up in identical places. If you take 2 identical people and send them through an identical journey through life, they will end up as entirely different people.

That's why I don't think it makes any sense to treat the two in the same way. You can't say that the universe is subjective in the same way as humans because it behaves predictably while humans do not.


platoprime t1_itvuhda wrote

No I don't mean a belief.

>Because you're equating subjective truths to objective measurements.

You only think that because you don't understand Relativity. Length, time's rate of passage, and the order of events is not an objective measurement if you measure from different frames of reference.

>If you take 2 identical people and send them through an identical journey through life, they will end up as entirely different people.

What makes you think that?


>You cannot measure a person's perspective or how their view changes.

That's silly. You just ask.


daikarasu t1_itvvi21 wrote

>You only think that because you don't understand Relativity. Length, time's rate of passage, and the order of events is not an objective measurement if you measure from different frames of reference

Measurement is the key word here. The issue isn't that they are different, the issue is that they are measurable. You can demonstrate in absolute mathematics what is happening and why it looks different from different perspectives.

I challenge you, how do we measure people's perspectives?

>What makes you think that?

Because identical twins exist and they don't end up as the same people despite the fact that their genetic and nurtured environment are the same.


platoprime t1_itvvtv9 wrote

>I challenge you, how do we measure people's perspectives?

You ask. It isn't that complicated.

>Because identical twins exist and they don't end up as the same people despite the fact that their genetic and nurtured environment are the same.

That's absurd. Twins only have very similar environments not identical ones.


daikarasu t1_itvwbav wrote

>You ask. It isn't complicated.

Ok great explanation thanks.

Look, this has been fun, but it's pretty clear neither of us is going to budge an inch. We each hold our beliefs quite strongly. This has been an interesting conversation though, and I hope you have a nice day.


platoprime t1_itvwi41 wrote

>Ok great explanation thanks.

A truth being hard to check and there not being a truth are not the same thing.