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DrakBalek t1_iuxcd7x wrote

That's fair, I usually get those two mixed up.

. . . of course, so did the author of that Medium article . . .

>It requires the ability to abstractly compare the two things for their abstracted commonality.

And how should the audience compare these two things for the abstracted commonality if they're not familiar the things they're comparing?


Melodic_Antelope6490 OP t1_iuyfj14 wrote

To clarify here - A simile is a subcategory of a metaphor, it's just stated differently. So all similes are metaphors but not all metaphors are similes. It's arguable there are only two tropes - metaphor and symbol, with metonymy and synecdoche essentially being kinds of metaphors. But Traffic flowed like a river is a verbal way of referencing an underlying metaphor 'traffic is a river', just like 'we got off to a bumpy start' references an underlying metaphor 'a relationship is a journey', or 'they really swallowed that' the metaphor 'ideas are food'. In other words metaphors can be referenced indirectly.


[deleted] t1_iuxcs67 wrote



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