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Blewdude t1_iv5souj wrote

Bruh the first thing I heard was: “That’s my point. I am ready to sacrifice myself. No, don’t worry, I will not be a problem. No, I am totally ecotopic and I would like just to get rid of myself and everybody else. I’ll give you an example. We know that now birds are going extinct and that it is probably because some species feed on seeds which are produced by trees which cannot live in this new climate. So the trees die and at the same time the birds die because they have nothing to eat. This is nature red in tooth and claw. So here I say, yes, if we must disappear, let's do it quickly. Don’t wait for generations. Let’s disappear quickly, because I think the worst thing would be to survive in some kind of primitive society or what have you. Survival is often worse than dying out.”

This gets deep