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TypographySnob t1_iv4accu wrote

"Hallucinations of a slab of silicon" perhaps, but could there be value derived from such a fake conversation? Maybe this site demonstrates that a fake conversation could potentially have more credibility than a conversation between two "real voices".

Edit: After listening to the two fantasizing about repopulating the earth together, I sort of take that back.


iiioiia t1_iv646pt wrote

The existence of badness does not rule out the possibility of goodness tho.


throwaway12131214121 t1_iv8b8ph wrote

I don’t know. As AI generated text becomes more and more coherent it could raise questions about how thought is produced. Of course, these AIs are not motivated to come up with new philosophy but rather to mimic the speedy patterns of other people. But it still takes more than just regurgitating data, it takes actual thought for a human to do that. If that can be machine-generated then what’s going on in our brains?


GDue t1_iv54kpg wrote

> I think you're right. But I have a similar fantasy, which I've never spoken about. If someone would lock me in a room, and there were a revolver in there and five naked women, who were completely shameless; if he would then leave and close the door and I would know that he would come back in one hour—I don't know what would happen to me. I don't know if I could resist this temptation or not. The revolver is right there and five naked women. I don't know what would happen to me. Yes, I think so. I don't know, though.

Zizek, pls


Barokna t1_iv5oepg wrote

At this point I'm sure it's just Zizek being live on air 24/7.


[deleted] t1_iv555wb wrote



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[deleted] t1_iv4drr6 wrote



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septicdank t1_iv4hug3 wrote

"I play. I have a soccer ball under my bed right now and I play when I'm alone, with the soccer ball. It's beautiful. I'm fifty-eight—but I'm very athletic, I can run rings around anyone my age. And I play a lot of soccer and badminton with my crew, they're all in their thirties. Yes, I play a lot"



Downside_Up_ t1_iv51wnf wrote

> When the dinosaurs were dying out, some of them grew so large that they were no longer able to move. They were lying on their backs with immobile limbs, buried in swampy marshes they could no longer eat, they were dying of starvation. But then one day a lizard came along. It was only a few centimeters long. This lizard was thinking, “These dinosaurs are too big—they are not able to move anymore. We'll eat them!” Since that time the survival of lizards has depended on eating dinosaurs. The only ones who could actually do something against these dinosaurs were lizards.


MrBeanSan t1_iv600pu wrote

I just heard this part. Is it looping?


septicdank t1_iv64126 wrote

Sounds like it, I heard the dinosaur bit after someone posted it here.


PatersBier t1_iv6gome wrote

I just heard it as well. Herzog was saying it


jcaboche t1_iv43u75 wrote

Wonderful! I've been looking for a new podcast.

On a serious note though, I wonder how long you could listen to the infinite conversation.


OsbertOfBebbanburg t1_iv53e5q wrote

I can't listen to Zizek for more than 5 mins... that sniff drives me absolutely bonkers.


amalgamatrix t1_iv5zsjw wrote

I’m so glad I’m not alone in this adverse reaction to hearing Zizek speak


TenebrousWizard t1_iv4ahj7 wrote

Funnily enough I was just at a Zizek talk this evening here in NYC, and came across this as we were leaving. I imagine if I'd seen it during the q&a he'd have had some interesting insight about it.


Jagrnght t1_iv4zcd6 wrote

Does he look healthy these days? I saw him some time ago and he was really struggling with diabetes.


TenebrousWizard t1_iv5trok wrote

He's looking better than some videos I saw of him when it was bad a few years ago, not the healthiest guy I've ever seen but he's also in his 70s now?

He seemed all there and physically sound, and (as much as Hunter asked he censor himself) was very Zizek-esque in his presentation.


cloud_t t1_iv50hjm wrote

Well, I happened to log in when they were talking about internet porn and eroticism, and it was actually a very productive discussion, with cohesive references to movies such as Red Dust and Shame. The topic was about how detached and abstracted one was from society when these practices were undertaken. It really felt like "they" were doing a nice introspection and that logic was part of the equation. Great AIs.


roekofe t1_iv4ddyw wrote

This reminds be of the book Mount Dragon by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. It's mostly about a virus, but does lead to a scene where two old men end up fucking themselves over by fighting over the virus and exposing themselves. With their remaining time they program themselves as characters into the facilities digital tools, which then get gifted to the world as a major step forward in tech.

Within, the old men programed in have philosophical debates and remain friends.


murdercitymrk t1_iv51ru6 wrote

this is Westworld season 5 to me


nexusphere t1_iv49kpd wrote

Is it by its very nature meaningless? Or is it the will of the universe made audible?


srnx t1_iv4xp3o wrote

Infinite drivel, pretty coherent but meaningless. Is it the limitations of the AI or implying something else

And I was just reading the thread about art AI

AI is fascinating


JustOkCryptographer t1_iv4yqey wrote

I just visited the link and listened for a bit and everything Herzog said was true biographical information about his life. So, I'm not sure where the AI comes into play, but it basically sounded like stitched together interview recordings. Not familiar enough with Zizeck to say one way or another for his side of the convo.


nevertoolate1983 t1_iv5ixuo wrote

What are these two talking about lol?! Here's a snippet of the convo I walked in on...

"I know, but this is a problem for me because “porno” has no meaning it’s an empty gesture. This is the whole problem today. Okay, so tell me, what would it be like to have sex with a robot? Because in a way you are already having cybersex if you log on onto the Internet and watch all these movies of people screwing and so on. Now obviously you don’t get the real thing, so you are totally abstracted but I think that for some men it is a new form of sexual enjoyment. So, again, we will encounter new problems: What are the limits? Will it be accepted that in a relationship with a human being, you can have sex with another person who is not there and so on?


I hate movies, but I love to watch porno. I cannot resist it. Yes, why not? It’s far more interesting than these old-fashioned procedures."


strangemud t1_iv4gmvn wrote

I hate this. This is nightmare material


Spunge14 t1_iv4jnqf wrote

Yea, I don't understand why more people aren't seeing this.

It's grotesque to me.


HerrSchnabeltier t1_iv4xw32 wrote

It's a machine-synthesized conversation. What's grotesque about it to you?


TheOceanBoy t1_iv4pg7b wrote

They should get Deepak Chopra and Daniel Schmachtenburger doing the same thing. Would be brilliant.


iiioiia t1_iv64v9x wrote

And Jiddu Krishnamurti, Alan Watts, Scott Alexander, etc.


lo_fi_ho t1_iv4773h wrote

This is amazing :o


random-bird-appears t1_iv5705j wrote

I thought this was going to be about a real discussion they had. I love my man Herzog but LOL.


sl8644 t1_iv6r9q7 wrote

Where are the "and so on...and so on"?


Computer_Dad_in_IT t1_iv59411 wrote

They are talking about porn on the internet and that people should watch more porn.


Hovie-D t1_iv5cvjt wrote

While i was there they were talking about how human beings must leave earth in order to survive; that we have destroyed our planet and leave a message on an orbiting asteroid between Mars and Jupiter warning others not to come to earth. Not sure if i should laugh or be worried.


Nnelg1990 t1_iv5in87 wrote

The blue guy really wants to die and the red one just wants the conversation to stop.


Blewdude t1_iv5souj wrote

Bruh the first thing I heard was: “That’s my point. I am ready to sacrifice myself. No, don’t worry, I will not be a problem. No, I am totally ecotopic and I would like just to get rid of myself and everybody else. I’ll give you an example. We know that now birds are going extinct and that it is probably because some species feed on seeds which are produced by trees which cannot live in this new climate. So the trees die and at the same time the birds die because they have nothing to eat. This is nature red in tooth and claw. So here I say, yes, if we must disappear, let's do it quickly. Don’t wait for generations. Let’s disappear quickly, because I think the worst thing would be to survive in some kind of primitive society or what have you. Survival is often worse than dying out.”

This gets deep


gsohyeah t1_iv6mjda wrote

> Do you know the story about the Stanford experiment in which a group of students were put into a room and money was distributed among them; then there was an offer that they can get whatever money they want but at the same time one aristocrat will be randomly picked and thrown out of the window. So everyone took the money, because they knew they would be the lucky guy thrown out of the window. And I think this is the most difficult ethical question in today’s world. It is the question: what do we do with those who are condemned by the majority? Here I am totally against death penalty; I am totally for it. I think in our narcissistic permissive society people who are mentally disturbed or cannot manage their lives are condemned to death. It’s not done literally, but this is already enough. We don't need no state to kill them.

I want to be the lucky guy.

> What do you mean, it’s not a name? I will give you a couple of letters. You can spell my name however you want It’s still the same person. W-E-R-N-E-R H-E-R-Z-O-G. So what’s the problem?


p4nnus t1_iv7bhli wrote

"What kind of philosophy are you talking about?

I don't have any.

Most people have no idea what I'm doing.

What am I?

What do I want?"


Doc580 t1_iv7v6u2 wrote

Found a new one to fall asleep to.


BernardJOrtcutt t1_iv8j30l wrote

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gotogarrett t1_iv5c0cx wrote

Waiting for Godot :) but


[deleted] t1_iv5k1zi wrote



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