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Chazmer87 t1_iv5zxe4 wrote

>What do you do with people who don't want to cooperate (i.e., liberals)

If you function in a society you're cooperating. Which Liberal isn't cooperating? A society without cooperation is just anarchy.


SuperSirVexSmasher t1_iv60ex8 wrote

Liberals are ideologically opposed to communism. Any communist system would see resistance from the liberals trapped inside. So what do you do with the liberals that refuse to cooperate within the oppressive communist system? What do you do about those pesky humans that believe in individual human rights and freedom? Exactly as I've said and it's already been demonstrated plenty of times. (The communists start chanting "one of us. One Of Us. ONE OF US!" as they surgically remove your your soul and your humanity from your body).

There's a straight line from the idea of communism to the oppression, coercion and murder required to actually run it. Communism is incredibly evil.


Chazmer87 t1_iv60yjl wrote

You don't do anything? Why would you need to do something?

That's some strawman.


SuperSirVexSmasher t1_iv61vj1 wrote

Then it isn't communism. You're attempting to paint communism as if it were liberalism where everyone gets to live the lives they want but that's not communism. You don't get individual human rights under communism because what matters is the "greater good" and not the good of the individual or their interests. "What you do" as a communist is exactly what I've already mentioned, which is exactly what communists have been doing for about a century now.

Remember again that in a liberal-democracy nothing is forbidding the communist from getting together with their communist friends and forming a commune. The good guys are obvious.


Chazmer87 t1_iv62uuz wrote


You're almost like the personification of the mocking "everything bad is communism" meme.

>Remember again that in a liberal-democracy nothing is forbidding the communist from getting together with their communist friends and forming a commune.

You don't think I'll be arrested for seizing the means of production?

Communism is more than just sitting in a commune, it's an entire economic system. The same way that capitalism is very different from feudalism.


SuperSirVexSmasher t1_iv63gkt wrote

Buddy there are NO individual human rights under communism. There were NO individual human rights in the Soviet Union. Are you kidding me? How are you going to completely ignore the red terror, the holomodor, or the gulags where innocent people were used for slave labour, starved to death and replaced with another innocent person.

You're the personification of complete nativity and ignorance. What a bloody fool.

"Seizing the means of production" = violating someone else's individual human rights. You're my proof.

Edit: one of you guys.. the Soviet Union was in fact what communism looks like. You can trace the root of the evil in the Soviet Union to the evil conception of communism as a straight line. Communism is necessarily coercive and oppressive. You can't force everyone to want to participate in your communist experiment, some folks believe in individual human rights. You're wrong. Quit drinking the kool-aid.


MountGranite t1_iv67k5l wrote

The Soviet Union did not achieve true Communism.

The means/vision to try to get there were prescribed by the vanguard/bolsheviks and then distorted/reimagined after Lenin’s death with Stalinism.

The Soviet Union went from a peasant agrarian society to full on industrialism within 30-50 years. The Communist ideal didn’t lead to the atrocities that happened under the Soviet Union (capitalism has its fair share as well). It was the material conditions that were operated from, the participation in a world war, the top down leadership approach, etc.

You’re copying propaganda from a place entirely lacking of nuanced thinking.


Silver_Hawk_6643 t1_iv6lqtf wrote

Communism inevitably leads to the death of people from hunger. The state cannot regulate all the needs of the people. The atrocities that took place under capitalism were simply natural for this time. And in these cases, some people suffered from others, but not from the state.
My relatives miraculously did not die of starvation under the USSR. The planned economy sucks.


vulgardaclown t1_ivah5tp wrote

The problem is that "real communism" cannot exist, the methodology Marx prescribes is the absurd absolute rule of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" to achieve a stateless society. In reality the only thing that comes from this dictatorship is a dictatorship. Imagine that.