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AnonCaptain0022 t1_iwhj6yj wrote

What is holiness/divinity supposed to be? It's a concept that seems to appear across religions and cultures. Pagan religions from Europe, East Asia and pacific islands have sacred mountains, sacred forests and sacred leaders. Buddhist, Hindu and Abrahamic religions also have holy sites and artefacts. What does this divine status mean in a metaphysical sense? And how does a person or place achieve it?


nowwowpbj t1_iwiqjet wrote

Conduits of the ultimate outcome posed, imagined , thought of, brought about by a sentient experience take many forms. Chose various receiving venues and grace will find you. Question it, seek, question, seek, repeat until love and service seeps into the will. When distracted open up your conduits and see where they take you. Stringing moments together will bring you purposes that get so small your ego cannot fit inside..