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MacinTez t1_ix43sdy wrote

It’s fine, I’ve written some pieces that read the same in hindsight; You’re certainly going to have moments like that as a writer.

The piece about the chair was the point I was looking to grab hold/sink my teeth into the article. But, I found myself reading it several times to really absorb it. I eventually got what you were trying to say, but when I break down concepts in my writing? I insert myself and space out my ideas to where it sounds and looks more like a conversation instead of a paragraph.

“For example, we say that a chair exists because we perceive a chair to exist. We don’t call a chair “something that causes the perception of a chair, but which objectively we cannot call a chair since its existence as such is subject to our perceptions of it.” Instead, we call it a chair.”

If I had to rephrase, it would look like.

“Let’s say we are looking at a chair. It has the traditional characteristics… Four legs, a seat, and a splat/seat back.”

“We wouldn’t look at it and say “It’s the culmination of four legs, a seat, and a splat, giving the image that some would perceive of a chair”… If it were created with the purpose of being a chair? Then, its purpose isn’t up for subjectification; It’s a chair.”


contractualist OP t1_ix463fh wrote

Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind! I should have taken more time to explain this example, but instead I summarized my views on free will too quickly. Much appreciated!!


MacinTez t1_ix48s1c wrote

I’m reading it again as I message you! It’s really good! The chair part was the one that I saved to my notes on my initial reading before I even commented… Liberty From and Liberty To along with the two types of freedom you spoke upon should definitely be explored more. I even bookmarked the post. Reading it today after my initial reading yesterday? It flows MUCH better. Took me a min to match my reading cadence to your writing cadence but otherwise it’s good!


contractualist OP t1_ix493v9 wrote

That means a lot!! However I’ll be cautious in future posts to not rush through ideas and keep the reader in mind. Your feedback is hugely appreciated and I hope you’ll continue slogging through while I make the case for contractualism.