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wowie6543 t1_ixho489 wrote

For me, mostly all defintions of freedom are incomplete. As they forget a lot of things we need to adress, if we really want to understand what freedom is. So here is my theory in addition. it isnt complete too, but it is much more complete then many other ones i think. And its one of the few, that includes determinism. Which is, lets be honest, 99% of all reality. And even the 1% is not proofed indetermined. not even acausal.

The problem with this dualistic defintion, its dualistic. Dualism only work for yes or no. mostly all other systems are not dualsitic. So i dont think there is more then one freedom. So we have to find a complete defintion of it.

Second, there is no proofed free wil. You cant take this as part of the theory, without a good definiton of it.

Its not the freedom that determines, its the movement of the past that determines!

There are no higher-order principals, its all one system of movement, which acts together. Its only seperated in their field of reaction, but it all underlies the functionality! Does it work or does it not?! our separation of the higher und lower principals just shows, that we are not precise enough when it comes to biology, psychology and the social dependency which create all beings.


The most important thing about freedom (and mostly everything else) is MOVEMENT. Philosophers mostly have a problem with this, because ... many of them are no physics. Which is very sad and quite a dilemma. Movement is a value, that is shared through all systems. And we must ask all the time: how does it come so, that something moves in a speific way?

This is very important as we must combine the freedom with the determinism!!! There must be a connection! We cant postulate, that theres a free-will, this is still something that needs proof!!! or should we say, a better definition!

So the first and important thing is: the freedom of movement.

Which means not really that you are INDEPENDENT, it only mans that you have more then one option to do. And all those options are determined. Still, thats no proof for deciosionmaking!!! Because the decisioons are bound to a very rational and determined logic of values. The only problem of autority is, when you have two or more same values to decide on. And even then, it is not really a INDEPENDENCE you have here, because your decicion is mostly triggered by fixed determined and extremly dependent reactions to limited inputs.

So if you are not able to move in a specific way, this can be because you dont see the option or something is blocking you somehow. So we say, we are unfree. But its not ONLY because something is blocking us, it is mostly because we are not ABLE/SKILLED TO MOVE.

And you are unfree, no matter if someone, like a gangester, or your own limitation blocks you. We will see, its all the same. Its all part of nature.

So skill/information, our structure reforming things, is a very important factor here, that makes us free. Gives us options. But it isnt a wider room of desicionmaking! Its only a room of movement, which allows you to to different movement then before!

Our decions are still bound to the order of reason and the maximum (social) profit and efficiency. The golden rule of economy.

So now we must understand, that all our mindstates are also only reactions to other movements and so on, its also only a specific movement we do. which underlies the same rules dependencys as all other movements.

So now, we have to consolidate all those infos together.

  1. Everything is determined

  2. Life is a "selfpowered" system and a social system and moves and builds up in a social way, heavily dependent on their environment. It sets "its own"/"a social builded" goal of movement. As we see later on, the self and the society cant be divided here! All individuals have a necessary environment and cant be seperated in their genesis or their freedom and skills!

  3. Nature, Life, Society, and so on WE cant move in all ways, so our movement is LIMITED. We know that before we know what freedom is!

  4. We become less or different limitations, if we are able to move in more and/or new ways. This new (should be) unlimited movements is what we mostly adress when we talk about freedom.

  5. Our freedom of movement is determined, because all our movements are determined and our search for new limitations is a biological and mostly natural sense of life - of social adaption!!! Freedom and Knowledge and Reformation of OURSELFS/SOCIETY (which is the same here) are all part of the systenm we call life (on earth)!

  6. Our movement of decision is only free in such a way, as we are able to narrow down all
    possible movements before we do the decision. Every decision is a door to a unfree
    system, because you narrow it down in the end to the own way you are going.

  7. So the most important things we do, is to interact with our environemnt, and get the necessary input to adapt ourselfes in such a way, that our system is as succesfull and compatible as it gets. Therefor it is the bets, to have the maximum options or the most efficient skills.


Freedom must be part of the determined natural system.

Freedom is mostly about building up alternate (better) ways of movement/life.

The decision is not the important thing about freedom. Its the process of creating new ways! Not just with our mind, with everything we are.

Information/Interaction with the environemnt gives us the idea of what is possible and all our other (natual given) skills make it possible to reform our (old) natural given structure/movements and make new (natural) structures/movements.

This is all part of the system we call SCIENCE and FREEDOM!

It is much more complex then many think!



one of the most important things of life, is to recognize our environemnt and learn how it works and so on adapt our movement to these social beings. our freedom is a fundamental yet determined thing necessary for this process of adaption and ... should we say re-birth ;) or lets just say, revolution!.


ammonium_bot t1_ixihbc8 wrote

> is more then one

Did you mean to say "more than"?
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